2 Cherries for My Dad’s Best Friend Read Online S.E. Law

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Forbidden Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 28
Estimated words: 26170 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 131(@200wpm)___ 105(@250wpm)___ 87(@300wpm)

I gulp. Oh shit, he can read my mind. In fact, the telling look in the older man’s eyes informs me that he knows exactly what I’m going to say. Suddenly, I have a mouth full of cotton and can barely speak coherently.

“Well, you have a problem,” I begin in a timorous voice, looking at Killian from up under my lashes. God, he’s gorgeous with those high cheekbones and strong jaw. “And maybe I could help you solve it? Maybe?”

“You mean, my inability to find a willing bed partner, right?” Killian drawls, one brow still arched with amusement. How in the world is this funny to him? I stand up straight, and try to project confidence.

“Yes,” I say in a firm voice. “You have an issue, and well, I’m available. That is, if you’re interested.”

He shoots me another amused glance.

“So you think a nineteen year old girl is a suitable bed mate for a forty-three your old man who has a wealth of experience in life? Who’s also your dad’s college buddy? And who changed your diapers when you were a baby?”

I sputter then.

“That was a long time ago! And yes, I think it could work, for your information. Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it, Uncle Killian. Anything is possible in this day and age.”

The handsome man shakes his head then.

“No, I’m sorry Leah, but you’re overlooking the most obvious aspect. I’m your uncle, sweetheart. Maybe only in name, and not by blood or even marriage, but it’s enough. Your father and I have been friends for more than two decades, and we’re practically related at this point.”

“No, you’re not,” I retort quickly. “Things change, Uncle Killian. I mean, just Killian. The vibe between us has changed. The relationship between us has changed. Couldn’t you tell yesterday in the pool?”

His blue eyes become sharp and hungry then, taking in my curves.

“Leah, I’ll never forget the way you looked in that pink bikini,” he rasps in a low voice. “But I can’t take advantage of you, honey. You’re what? Eighteen? Ain’t gonna happen, sweetheart. Your dad would slaughter me alive if he ever found out.”

“I’m nineteen,” I say in voice smarting with indignation. “I told you that already! And I’ll have you know that I’m my own woman. Jimmy doesn’t make decisions for me anymore.”

Killian’s black brow rises.

“Oh really? Who’s paying your tuition then? Who’s paying your rent? Who’s subsidizing your lifestyle, may I ask?”

I roll my eyes.

“Okay, you’re right in that respect. My mom and dad are still helping me out financially, but most young adults are getting family help these days. It’s inflation, combined with the pandemic, combined with a tough economy. Hardly anyone my age is out on their own entirely. The world’s rigged against us.”

Killian shakes his dark head.

“Yeah, exactly. You’re still a dependent, sweetheart. I can’t do this to you. Absolutely not.”

It’s then that I take matters into my own hands. After all, the situation is dire, and sometimes the only way to get the upper hand is to strike first. You have to take the initiative and become the predator, otherwise you’re going to be prey.

With that, I pull the top of my décolletage down, baring one big breast. The creamy orb glimmers in the low lights, my pink nipple already turgid with need.

“This is for you, Uncle Killian,” I say in a throaty voice, cupping my breast and offering it to him. “I’ve been saving myself for you. I want you to be the one.”

His blue eyes immediately sharpen with hunger, zeroing in on my luscious teat. Killian licks his lips unconsciously, and to my satisfaction, his crotch seems to grow in size. Oh good. Are both of his rods hardening, or is it only one? If it’s only one, then which one is it?

But Killian shakes his head.

“What are you doing, Leah?” he rasps. “We’re in public. Cover yourself!”

“No, Killian. You’re the one who needs to realize that this is a great opportunity,” I mewl, jiggling my big boob at him. “Come, have a taste, Uncle Killian. I think you might like it.”

The alpha male hisses again, but I think it’s partly out of arousal, and not just frustration. He looks around again, and fortunately, there’s no one in sight. But then his big hand descends on my wrist in an iron grip and before I realize it, he’s dragging me off to the changing rooms in the back of the store.

“Hey, what are you doing?” I gasp as he whips the curtain aside before throwing me inside the small cube. Then he steps inside himself, and shuts the curtain so that we’re hidden once more.

“What do you think I’m doing?” the older man rasps, his face livid with rage. “What the fuck are you doing?”

I take the opportunity to pull my other breast out so that both tits are bare to him. We’re so close in the tiny space that my girls almost brush his hard chest. Then I lift both orbs up and press the nipples together before suckling at one, and then the other, leaving my pink tips shiny and wet with saliva in the low lights.


