A Method to His Madness Read Online Jessa Kane

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Novella, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 29
Estimated words: 27597 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 138(@200wpm)___ 110(@250wpm)___ 92(@300wpm)

Dropping the bat, I turn slowly to face the man who is pushing me higher and higher aloft like a fierce wind beneath my wings. Helping me heal. Restoring the colors of the world around me.

And I go toward him without hesitation, knowing that a physical relationship with him might be morally wrong, but in this moment, it’s not even a choice.

When he senses my intentions, his chest heaves once, twice, fire roaring to life in those deep blue eyes. He catches my hips in his big hands, squeezing, before sliding them around to my ass and dragging me up the front of his body into his arms, his mouth falling open on a groan when I sling my thighs about his hips, my sex encountering and cradling a very large, very hard ridge. Snuggling it tight, on instinct, a purr waking up in my throat.

“Ashley. Oh fuck.”

“Erase the memories completely with me,” I whimper against his mouth, the shock of being touched and enjoying it, loving it, blotting out yet another black mark from the past. “When I think of this place, I only want to remember this.” I rub my mouth against his jaw. “How this is where you gave me my first real kiss. The first kiss I’ve ever wanted.”



First kiss.


The firm warmth of her pussy against my thickening cock is an extravagance.

My balls swell and tighten, drawing high, become a sturdy pedestal for my erection.

Oh lord, I can’t help but bounce her a few times, feeling her weight lift and land, cradling my length a little more securely each time through her thin panties. The irony of saints being celibate is that only a saint could deserve this feeling. This coursing current of relief that I’m finally going to be cock-deep in my obsession.

But she is only asking for a kiss.

A first real kiss.

Of course, we both know she kissed her lackluster husband on her wedding day. Had no choice but to do so. But I understand what she’s doing. She’s erasing her bad memories with good ones. Overpowering the terror of what took place in this room. Outshining her real first kiss with a better one. Bet your ass I’m going to deliver.

She won’t even remember her wedding day when I’m done.

She’ll forget she’s married at all.

I slide my fingers into her braided hair, turning us in a slow circle while I look her in the eye, absorbing every nuance of her angelic face. Her slow blink. The gentle flush deepening on her cheeks. Green eyes flaring with excitement and curiosity. I maintain eye contact with her until she closes the distance of our mouths slightly, then I meet her halfway, melding our lips together and rubbing right, left. Slowly. Letting her relax into the contact, before I tilt my head a few degrees and sip at her mouth.

She makes a sound halfway between a moan and a gasp, her thighs clinging tighter. An innocent reaction that makes me desperate to maul her sweet mouth until she’s so horny and confused, she lets me take her virginity against a locker. But no, that is not how this is going to happen. She’s going to be with me every step of the way, because no way in hell am I going to let her look back on our courtship with resentment. Or the feeling of being coerced. Seduced.

“Do you want a deeper kiss, Ashley?”

Gratification spreads in my chest when she nods, no hesitation. “Yes.”

“Come here, angel,” I say in a low voice, opening my mouth a bit more, letting her feel my breath, absorbing the sweetness of hers. Our foreheads meet, the side of her nose pressing to mine, my lips delivering light suction and twisting, pulling her forward into me, so I can dive in deeper, slowly introducing her to my tongue with brief brushes that turn longer, hungrier, her little cunt getting swollen and damp where it presses down on my fly. “Do you want more of my tongue?”

“Yes,” she breathes, her thighs flexing around my hips. “Please.”

“Don’t say please, just let me keep kissing this sexy mouth.”

“I never want you to stop,” she whispers, then shakes herself, looking a touch self-conscious. “I-I mean…of course you’re going to stop eventually. I just—”

“Angel,” I say in a hushed tone against her mouth. “I’ll stand here kissing you for all of eternity if you ask me to. You don’t have to feel uncertain about anything you say to me, all right? I want to know every thought in your head, whether it’s well thought out or impulsive. Every. Little. Thought. Okay?”

Her eyes close and she nods.

I exhale, the sound rocky, due to the mounting pressure below my waist. “Can I hold you against one of the lockers, Ashley? You’re making me feel so fucking good and I need to get closer.”


