A Ship of Bones & Teeth Read Online Karina Halle

Categories Genre: Dark, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 154
Estimated words: 144411 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 722(@200wpm)___ 578(@250wpm)___ 481(@300wpm)

“Let me drown in you, will ya?” I say before ducking down between her thighs while keeping her body pressed against the mast.

She cries out as my mouth finds her cunt and my lips and tongue start devouring her, savoring her taste, sea-water tonic. Thunder booms again, closer this time, but the only lightning I feel is the way her warm, slick skin melts against my tongue, sending jolts of need right to my cock.

“Ramsay,” she says through a broken moan, her fingers digging into my loose hair, her thighs tightening around my head. I keep eating her, teasing where she’s hot and swollen, circle after circle with hard flicks of my tongue, then sliding across where she’s achingly wet and driving my tongue inside her. I fuck her this way, wild and messy and raw, until my jaw starts to ache and she’s starting to tense around me.

Thunder rumbles, closer still, and then she’s letting go, the tension in her snapping like a whip. She clamps around my tongue, her legs following suit around my face, and she’s bucking wildly against me, her cries being swallowed by the wind that has picked up. Her hands tug at my hair, pulling me deeper into her and then when her limbs are shaking and my senses are flooded with the taste and smell of her, I straighten up.

I take my cock out with one swift motion, then keep her in place while I shove hard inside her. She’s so damn tight it makes my eyes roll straight to the back of my head, my breath catching inside my chest, my body straining.

“Gods,” she whispers harshly, and I feel like a god from the way I’m inside her, the way I’m able to make her look at me like I’m worth worshipping.

I feel the first drop of rain fall on my neck and the wind starts getting stronger, whipping our hair around, making my shirt billow. It’s as if it’s trying to match our wildness.

I’ve got her pinned to the mast, her leg hooked around my hip and I have one hand sliding down to her clitoris, surely still sensitive. But she only moans and starts driving her hips forward to meet my thrusts, and her mouth is on my neck, kissing me, biting me, licking me. The force of the wind is constant now, like several hands are holding us up from behind and driving us into each other.

“You still belong to me,” I say gruffly in her ear, my cock so deep in her it’s like she’s squeezing on me like a glove that’s a little too tight. “You’ll always be mine.”

“That remains to be seen,” she says, then bites down on my earlobe, eliciting a low rumble from deep in my chest.

With a growl I reach down and grab her hip where my brand is. “You wish to see it? It’s right here, luv,” I tell her before I piston myself against her, feeling feral and unrelenting as I drive in deeper where she’s hot and wet, tight and thick and just as owned as she’s ever been in her life.

A flash of lightning cracks across the sky, followed by a deafening boom of thunder, and she cries out sharply as I start sliding my thumb against her, matching the driving pace of my hips.

Rain is falling harder now, lashing us, and she tilts her head back to the sky, her mouth open in a ravenous moan. I’m faster, deeper, and more intense than ever before and as I feel her tighten around me and the pleasure coursing through my veins, I know that this is where I belong, drowning in this madness with her. Two monsters that have found their souls in one another.

It’s too late for me, I think as I sink in to the hilt, one hand cupping her breast now, pulling the neckline of her shift down so that I can suck her nipple between my lips. I can’t pretend she’s not what I want or what I’ve always wanted.

She lets out another deep moan and I’m vaguely aware that I do have crew that are one hundred feet below us on the deck and they might be hearing us, looking up at us, or perhaps we’re swallowed by the thunder, wind, and rain. Either way, I don’t have the capacity to care right now. All I want is for both of us to plunge into ecstasy together.

The storm whips me into a frenzy and I push in harder and faster, her slick heat wrapping around me like velvet. I can feel my orgasm building and I let out a low, deep growl as the pleasure takes over, my release coming on with fervent intensity. I slam her into the mast so hard that I swear the ship rocks beneath us.


