A Ship of Bones & Teeth Read Online Karina Halle

Categories Genre: Dark, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 154
Estimated words: 144411 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 722(@200wpm)___ 578(@250wpm)___ 481(@300wpm)

This is a trap and you know it, my mind reasons. Leave her where she is and go tend to your crew. Break them the bad news about the dead prince and mermaid.

But though my mind is right, I can’t.

I’ve dreamed about doing this too much and my cock is always in charge.

I reach out with both of my hands and gently cup her breasts.

She immediately lets out a low moan that leaves me weak at the damn knees.

Her breasts are heavy and sink into my palms, her skin sinfully soft and warm and I want so badly to take my body and press it against hers, take my cock and find the heat inside her. But even though I’m obliging her wishes, I can’t play into her hands. This is a game, after all, and it always has been.

Instead, I slowly run my thumbs over her nipples, feeling them harden more until they’re round pebbles, and the gasp she lets out makes me moan in response. Her head goes back, long black hair unspooling down her back, her neck exposed as she writhes under my touch.

I can smell her blood under her skin, smell how addictive she would be. I want nothing more than to just take her, bite her, have my way with her rough and hard. I have always been a man of restraint when I need to, an important lesson to learn when you’re at sea, but even so it takes all my effort not to let loose.

I bring my eyes back to her beautiful tits, so weighted in my hands, working her nipples again and again until she’s starting to buck against the restraints.

Keeping my eyes glued to her, watching for any sudden movements, I bring my head down until I’m pressing the flat of my tongue against her skin and lapping up around the deep curve of her breasts.

“Ramsay,” she says through a broken gasp, and it’s not lost on me that this is the first time she’s addressed me by my name. It sounds reverent when it comes from her lips.

With my gaze locked on her wanton expression I suck her nipple into my mouth, my tongue swirling around the tight peaks, her pulse thrumming beneath the skin. She tastes heavenly, feels like sin, and I know she has the power to pull me to the depths and sink me. Yet it’s a risk I’m willing to take in order to get her to say my name like that again.

With her moans increasing, one hand releases her breast and roams down over her stomach, through her curls and to the meeting of her thighs, which the leg cuffs are already holding apart for me.

I slide my finger between her and find her drenched with desire for me, my breath hitching in my chest and how silky she feels.

“Christ, woman,” I swear gruffly. “You could drown a man.”

She lets out another breathy moan, this one deeper and so desperate that it shoots straight to my cock. I don’t know how much more of this either of us will be able to take. She wants me to bed her, I can tell, but that would be a misstep on my behalf. As long as I’m standing here and feeling her then I’m in control. The moment I stick my cock inside her, I know I’ll let my guard down and that can’t happen.

But, heaven help me, I want it to happen.

Instead I slip my finger along her wetness, circling her clitoris with easy rhythm until she’s trembling in the restraints. From the sound of the chains, I know her wrists must be eaten up by the cuffs, enough so that I’m tempted to stop and see if she’s alright, but when I pull back just for a second she lets out this ravenous cry that belongs to an animal in heat and so I plunge two fingers inside of her.

“Gods!” she calls out, the sound echoing around the room as her walls squeeze my fingers.

I can’t take any more of this.

While I’m fingering her with one hand, I’m reaching into my breeches and pulling out my cock with the other. It’s already so thick and hot and heavy in my palm that I know I won’t last long. Luckily I don’t need to in this case.

With my gaze fixed on her expressive face, I stroke myself from root to tip, my length pulsing hot beneath my grip, while my other hand fucks her, the sound of her slickness loud and lewd in the room, mixing with the groan of the chains.

I’ve been with plenty of women in my life but never like this. No, never like this and never with a woman like her. I don’t know what snapped inside her, whether it was freeing herself from her husband for good or welcoming her monstrous side, but whatever it is, I’m under its spell now. All this time she only hinted at the vivacious creature underneath, someone I had wanted to set free, and now that she’s loose and wild and dangerous, I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to leave her side.


