A Ship of Bones & Teeth Read Online Karina Halle

Categories Genre: Dark, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 154
Estimated words: 144411 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 722(@200wpm)___ 578(@250wpm)___ 481(@300wpm)

“I want you to take me to Edonia.”

Nerissa’s other brow raises in surprise. “Edonia?” she asks.

“Why Edonia?” Ramsay says, stepping toward me. He grabs my elbow. “Maren, what are you doing?”

I give him a deadly glare and shrug out of his grasp.

“Stand back until the deal is complete,” Nerissa commands him, the air seeming to sizzle with electricity of her own doing. He lets out a low gruff sound and reluctantly steps away from me. “Now, Maren, what do you know about Edonia, and why do you want to see her?”

“I heard she’s the most powerful sea witch there is.”

Nerissa rolls her red-gold eyes. “Pray, I think you’ve heard wrong. For I am a witch of equal or greater value to Edonia. Whatever you wish to go to her for, you can come to me. So do tell, my ink-haired child, what is it that you seek?”

I rub my lips together, tasting the salt. I have to think fast but carefully. If I lay my cards on the table and tell her what happened with Edonia, then I have nothing left to hide—and no mask I can continue to wear. The crew will know I’m a Syren and they’ll want me for my blood. I’ll end up back in chains, bleeding on demand. I’ll end up like Asherah and I can’t trust that Ramsay will put me out of my mercy. After all, it seems like he needs my blood the most.

Furthermore, if Nerissa is anything like Edonia, she might have qualms with me being a Syren as well. Sea witches are our only real enemy, aside from man, and she may not feel like bargaining with me or granting me any favors. She may wish to flat-out kill me, and I would be completely defenseless.

“I wish to become a mermaid,” I tell her.

She laughs in surprise, as do a few of the crew.

“A mermaid?” she says, pressing her hand to her chest. Her nails remind me of Nill’s tooth, which is thankfully still around my neck. “Why would you ever want to be one of them?”

I try not to show offense at her tone. “Because I saw the one that they brought on board. She was so magical and special and I love the sea. I would love it if you could turn me into one.” I make my voice lighter and breathier, as if I’m some idiotic child who wishes to believe in fairy tales.

“What game are you playing, luv?” I hear Ramsay utter under his breath.

I keep my focus on Nerissa, smiling with put-upon hope. If she thinks Syrens are so awful, she may just grant me the wish to teach me a lesson about getting what you wished for. A lesson I’ve certainly learned before.

She lets out another mirthless laugh. “You are quite naïve for a princess. Though I suppose most born into royalty are. A mermaid is something no woman should want to be. Savage creatures of the deep they are. No, I’m afraid that unless I am given a better deal, you are to come with me to Norfinn. And I will return Sedge to this crew.”

“What about the captain?” Sterling speaks up in a belligerent tone. “I was about to declare a mutiny on him anyway. I think this ship has been under poor management for far too long. This is no longer a democracy but a dictatorship! Our food is gone, our money is gone, and now he’s thinking of keeping some dumb cunt instead of trading her for one of our own!”

I suck in my breath, expecting to hear the crew side with Sterling and call for Ramsay to be replaced, but there’s only silence.

“Well?” Nerissa says to Ramsay. “Are you willing to take her place?”

“Will they get Sedge back?” he asks, and I can’t believe he’s considering it.

She nods.

“Then aye, I will.”

My heart drops.

Now a cry goes up amongst everyone.

What on earth is Ramsay doing?

“You see!” Sterling shouts. “He’s willing to abandon his crew for her! Her! What kind of captain is that!?” He comes at Ramsay, and I get out of the way just in time. “Here, I’ll help you get rid of him,” he snaps.

He tackles Ramsay at the waist, pushing him back until he’s pressed back over the railing and Ramsay bashes his forehead against his and then knees him in the groin, which causes Sterling to double over just enough for Ramsay to slide out of the way of Sterling’s oversized body.

Ramsay raises his arms in peace as he staggers toward Nerissa. “I’ll go willing, I—”

Suddenly Sterling rights himself and picks up a musket from beside him and raises it above Ramsay’s head.

“Ramsay!” I yell, trying to warn him but by the time Ramsay whips around, Sterling swings the gun and it makes contact with the side of Ramsay’s temple with a THWACK!


