All the Little Raindrops Read Online Mia Sheridan

Categories Genre: Dark, Suspense, Thriller Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 139
Estimated words: 128488 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 642(@200wpm)___ 514(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

“He was.” She pulled yet another file from her magic purse of information and handed it over. “He was the victim of a mugging, apparently. His body was found at the back of an alley, behind a dumpster. Mr. Meyer found out about his friend, and then was informed his daughter was missing two days later.”

Tough week. Evan flipped open the file, scanning it. Yes, Mr. Meyer had had a tough week. But all his hardships ended with a major heart attack that killed him almost instantly. For his daughter, however, things were about to turn a corner into the realm of nightmares. “A mugging,” he repeated. “They didn’t catch the perp, huh?”

“No, but the guy was known to be a drinker and a fighter, and he’d gotten into scuffles before in that same area. He owned a computer repair shop nearby and would go drinking after work. Or sometimes during work, from the few statements the investigators got at the time. It’s a high-crime area. Muggings are not unusual. His wallet and his watch were missing, so the police didn’t have much reason to believe it was more than what it looked like.”

Evan closed the folder, setting it with the other things Aria had given him. “Hmm.”

“Yeah, it set my bells off too,” Aria said. “Anyway, I hope there’s something more for you to dig in to from all that.”

“There definitely is.” He held up his beer, smiling as he clinked it to Aria’s wineglass. “To the possibility of a break. And to you for finding it. I can’t thank you enough for this, Aria.”

Her lips tipped, her gaze hanging on him as she took a sip of her wine. “Anything you need, Evan,” she said. “I’m always here.”


Evan took in a big swallow of air as the gate clanked closed behind him, and he followed the guard to the visiting room along with three other people. One was a young woman sporting a serpentine neck tattoo and pushing an infant in a baby stroller, another an old woman who hadn’t bothered to take the curlers out of her hair, and the third, a man who appeared to be a lawyer. His ill-fitting suit and general look of apathy told Evan he was likely court appointed and had little interest, if any, in whatever client he was there to see.

Evan fell in line with the small crew of misfits, entering a barracks-type building on the grounds of FCI Beaumont. He took a seat at one of the small tables, and the other people did the same, spreading out from each other. The young woman closest to him took a bottle from her bag and stuck it in the infant’s mouth, bouncing the stroller with her foot as she shot him a wink and wiggled her tongue suggestively. He gave her an uncomfortable smile as if she might be making a weird joke that didn’t exactly land, lacing his hands on the table in front of him and training his eyes on the door at the back where he assumed the prisoners would enter.

He’d gotten to Texas a few hours before, stopped and had lunch, and then headed straight here. The plan was to meet with the man named Lars Knauer and jump back on a flight later that evening. He only hoped this trip was worth his while and the seven hundred bucks he’d put on his credit card.

The door opened, and a guard came through, four men shuffling behind him. He knew what the man looked like from his case file, and when he saw him, Evan stood, lifting his hand to get the old man’s attention.

Lars approached slowly, obviously sizing Evan up. Evan did the same. In the photo he’d seen, the man had looked skinny and sunken in. Of course, the photo had only been from the neck up, and benders could do a number on a person’s face. He hadn’t been able to tell that the man was still so fit for a seventy-year-old. His shoulders were broad, and he didn’t appear to have an inch of extra fat on him. He’d heard the term “built like a brick shithouse” somewhere, and that term came to mind now, though to be honest, he wasn’t entirely sure what it meant or if it actually applied. Lars had a buzz cut, and though it was cropped close to his head and completely white, it was all still there.

Evan held out his hand, and Lars looked at it for a moment as if deciding whether or not to take it, but then he did, clasping it and giving it one somewhat rough shake before letting go.

“Mr. Knauer, thank you for seeing me.”

They both sat down, and Lars Knauer set his hands on the table, palms down. He gave a chin tip. “Call me Lars. You said on the phone you experienced a crime that might be similar to what I reported to the police?”


