All the Wright Moves – Wright Series Read Online K.A. Linde

Categories Genre: Angst, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 69266 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 346(@200wpm)___ 277(@250wpm)___ 231(@300wpm)

But it was Campbell. How could I say no?


I’d talk to him about the band while recording. He was always in his best mood when we were there. It was long overdue anyway.

I slid my wallet into my back pocket, grabbed my phone, and headed out to Campbell’s Range Rover. He turned on Foo Fighters as we drove toward downtown.

“How was LA?” I asked.

He shrugged. “Same old, same old.”


“Good to be back in Lubbock. Probably the last time for a while.”

“Why is that?”

“Album release, press tour, tour,” he said, ticking them off on his fingers.

I shot a glance at him, wondering if he was going to say anything else, but he just hummed along to the lyrics. As if none of that bothered him.

“How does Blaire feel about that?”

He grinned. “She’s coming with me.”

My stomach knotted. How easy it was to have someone who could pick up and go with you anywhere in the world.

“She’s going to leave Lubbock?”

“Not forever. She’d miss it too much. So would I actually. Just long-distance is hard. Nearly impossible really, and we can both fly back and forth whenever we want. It’ll be nice to have her with me.”

I bet it would. I clenched my hand into a fist and looked out the window as Lubbock passed me by. Lubbock wasn’t even my home. I’d grown up in Seattle. I was much more used to a perpetual drizzle than the dry, dusty climate. But home didn’t have to be a place. It was people, and my people were here.

We pulled into the parking lot of LBK Studios. Campbell reached into the trunk and pulled out his Fender. I held the door for him and stepped inside. We’d worked here on the first and last song we recorded for the new album. It was cozy compared to the behemoth of the studios in LA. Made me feel like coming home.

“I’ll take the back booth,” I told him. “I like that piano the best.”

“Sounds good.”

But when I headed toward the back booth, voices made my feet slow. Campbell grinned at me and kept walking.

“Are you expecting anyone else?” I asked.

“Something like that.”

I warily followed behind him. What was going on? Why did I feel like I was walking into a carefully laid trap?

“You made it!” Santi’s voice boomed before I even turned the corner.

I furrowed my brow and hurried forward to see the entire band sitting in the sound booth, beaming at me. Campbell had just clapped hands with Santi. Viv’s hair was now a vibrant hot pink, and her nails were crazy long and mint green. I had no idea how she strummed a bass with them. Yorke was the same as always—taciturn and silent. He tipped his head at me.

“What’s going on?”

Campbell grinned back at me. “We talked to Bobby.”

Worry bloomed in me. Bobby Rogers…who didn’t like me and felt like I had too much influence over the band. But then why was the entire band here? Couldn’t they have fired me over the phone or something?

“I see.”

“We don’t think you do,” Viv said, popping her bubblegum.

“We want you to join the band,” Campbell said.

Silence. There was silence in my brain. The words I’d wanted most in the world and convinced myself that I would never hear.

“What?” I managed to get out.

“Yeah, we want you to join,” Santi said, clapping me on the back.

“But…Bobby hates me. I thought he would convince you not to make any big changes. This is a big change.”

“Bobby doesn’t hate you,” Campbell burst out at the same time Viv said, “Are you trying to talk us out of it?”

“Yes, he does,” I said and then quickly, “No, I’m not.”

“It was Bobby’s idea,” Campbell said.


“Well, all of our ideas,” Viv said, elbowing Campbell. “We’d been talking about it for a while.”

“Yeah, man,” Santi said. “We’d discussed it while putting the album together.”

“We almost said something in New York,” Viv added.

“But we wanted to make sure we could get the contracts and paperwork sorted,” Campbell said.

My mouth was open. I stared at the four of them. “You’re serious?”

“Yes,” Yorke said.

Which sealed it for me. Yorke’s word was law.

“Unless you’re not interested,” Campbell said with a smirk on his lips.

Shithead. He knew I was interested.

“Of course I’m fucking interested.”

Campbell laughed and pulled me into a rough hug. “That’s what I fucking thought. Welcome to the band.”

Viv threw her arms around the both of us, and then Santi joined in.

“Come on, Yorke,” Santi coaxed.

Yorke heaved a large sigh and then put one arm around the lot of us. As if it greatly suffered him to be involved in all of this.

We laughed and broke apart, giddy with excitement. The future was suddenly spread out before me. I was joining Cosmere. The biggest band in the world. And not as a roadie, playing my keys in the background, but as one of them. How was this my life?


