Alpha’s Command (Shifter Ops #6) Read Online Renee Rose, Lee Savino

Categories Genre: Angst, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Shifter Ops Series by Lee Savino
Series: Shifter Ops Series by Renee Rose

Total pages in book: 68
Estimated words: 65371 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 327(@200wpm)___ 261(@250wpm)___ 218(@300wpm)

Now, I see him as a man. A gorgeous, capable and extremely attentive man. One my body craves almost as much as my lonely heart does.

I took off my wedding ring this morning and put it away in my jewelry box. Some day, maybe Geo can give it to his mate. I do recognize it’s time for me to move on, whether it’s just allowing myself to have pleasure with another man or something more.

I get through the rest of my work day, emerging an hour after Geo gets home from school to find Channing standing outside hosing himself down with his shirt off. Again.

I watch through the kitchen window as he stands talking to Geo, water running in rivulets down his sculpted muscles.

Good Lord–will this man ever wear clothing? He’s torturing me!

Of course, I have to admit to torturing him a bit, too, with that yoga thing. I saw I’d struck a nerve with the brother comment, and, well, I guess I didn’t like the direction things had gone afterward.

Having Channing around makes me feel beautiful again. Seen. Desirable.

He looks up and our gazes lock. I expected awkwardness after what just happened. I was going to push him away, so I could come up for air. But there’s so much dark promise in his green gaze that my knees go weak.

Who knew? The lackadaisical goof has an intense side. And, apparently, a semi-responsible side, judging by the way he’s helping around the house and mentoring Geo.

And that’s the moment it happens. Despite my better judgment. Despite my reluctance. The gates to my heart pop open and a flood of affection rushes out to meet Channing.

He must see it in my expression because his chin lifts and hope blooms in his slow, sexy smile.


For me?

Can that actually be the case? My head spins.

I don’t know what’s happening here. Is Channing trying to seduce me?

No, no. That’s crazy. He came because Geo hit puberty, and he was finally stepping up to his responsibilities as an uncle. I need to remind myself that this man is not to be relied upon.

He’s not Geoffrey, no matter how much he may remind me of him.

Still, I’m beginning to enjoy having him here. And my body is alive again.

I put some rice in the cooker and turn the oven on to roast a chicken. It probably won’t be enough meat for my wolves, but I can always crack open one of the many packs of hotdogs they had delivered if they need a second dinner after their run.

I move through the kitchen, humming, surprised by how relaxed I feel. It’s not just the orgasm–or maybe it is. But it’s also having Channing here.

Things feel different. Two people didn’t really make a family. Everything fell on my shoulders. It was exhausting. As much as I resisted it, it’s nice to have someone else in the house to pick up the slack.

I don’t know how long he’ll stay, but I might as well enjoy it while he’s here. Staycation. I can live with that.

Channing and Geo come in through the back door. Channing’s jeans are wet from his hose-down and hang below his waist, so I have a clear view of the V of muscles that lead to the promised land.

He catches me looking and winks.

Damn him.

I don’t want to surrender to that charm. I need to guard myself against whatever this is.

“I’m going to shower.” He jerks his thumb toward the bathroom, and I push away the desire to follow him. “Geo has a little homework to finish before we can run.” He glances at Geo and tips his head toward the stairs. “Get to it.”

“‘Kay.” Geo takes them two at a time. No trace of surliness or slouchiness. He’s all in on whatever Channing says, it seems.

“Dinner will be ready in about forty-five minutes,” I tell him. Wow. Just like a real family. It feels so good, it makes my chest squeeze.

Channing’s dimples deepen. “Perfect. I’ll get cleaned up and come and help you.”

I pour myself a glass of wine and make a salad. When Channing comes out of the bathroom, he sets the table and pours his own glass of wine.

I prop a hip against the counter and watch him.

“Cheers.” He clinks glasses lightly with mine, stepping into my space. Invading my sanity.

I study him. I have to ask. “Why did you stay away so long?” I’m able to say it without it sounding like an accusation. Without resentment.

I just really want to know.

Pain contorts his beautiful face. The same pain I saw when Geoffrey died. He drops his head, staring at the floor between us.

“Was it too painful?” I ask softly. “It reminded you too much of Geoffrey?”

When Channing looks up, he’s blinking hard. “No.” He shakes his head. “It wasn’t that. It was painful, but–”


