Another One Bites the Dust Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Freebirds #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Freebirds Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 97275 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 486(@200wpm)___ 389(@250wpm)___ 324(@300wpm)

I was utterly flabbergasted. The highhandedness of that man wholly amazed me. Showing up to speak with my dad likely went a long way in convincing my father that he was serious about me. “What was dad’s answer?”

She pulled the chicken out of the oven, and my mouth watered at the lovely aroma that accompanied it. “He said he could have you, but that he would eviscerate him with a knitting needle and a hack saw if he ever stepped out of line. Your father hasn’t been the same since you were hurt. The two of them never once had a conversation like your young man and he had this morning. They spoke for over two hours.”

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Max.

Me: You are in so much trouble, Big Boy.

Max: What’d I do now?

Me: Did you have a nice visit this morning?

Max: Your dad knows a judge. Saturday morning you’re mine.

My breath caught in my lungs, and elation filled me. I knew he was joking, but him teasing about this made my heart happy. I mean yes, he’d asked my mom, but surely, he’d buy me a ring first, right? I wanted to get married with my father walking me down the aisle. Not some shotgun wedding where everyone assumes I’m pregnant and in need of a shotgun wedding. That was just one of many things we needed to speak about; I had a mile long list of stuff that needed discussing.

Me: We need to talk about this. Dinner’s ready.

All joking aside, I haven’t felt this happy in well over a year. It felt so good to have someone who knew me so well, inside and out. Luckily, my family thought he was pretty awesome. If they didn’t like him, then there was no way I was staying with him. I’ve learned my lesson after Rory. My father told me over and over again that I needed to cut him loose, but I never listened. I also paid for it.

My father, Bennett, and Max filed into the room a few minutes later.

“You know what Army stands for, right?” My dad asked.

“No, sir. What’s that?” He said with his eyes filled with mirth.

“Aren’t ready for marines yet.” He guffawed.

Max’s eyes narrowed, and he countered, “You know what marine stands for, right?”

“What’s that?” My dad asked snidely.

“Muscles are required, intelligence not essential.” Max said as he took a seat at the table, pulling me down beside him.

It was probably to keep my dad from taking out his kneecaps. He wouldn’t harm his baby, and Max knew that. He smiled evilly at my dad, and then threw his arm around my neck.

My daddy was a big man. He was massive at six foot four and two hundred and fifty pounds. He laughed like a bear, and hugged like one, too. He strode up to me and wrapped his big brawny arms around me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him back. I loved my dad with everything that I am. He could be overbearing, embarrassing, and overprotective, but what good father isn’t all those things?

He set me down on my feet and we all took a seat at the dining room table. Conversation wasn’t an option for the first ten minutes as there was good food to be eaten. My family is very serious about food, and speaking was not tolerated until all the plates were cleaned of their offerings.

“That was the most divine thing I’ve ever tasted.” Max declared.

He leaned back in his seat, and ran his hands up and down his stomach. The cast was now a bright pink, and “Property of Payton” was written in bubble letters over the entire length of it.

“I can’t believe he let you write that on his cast.” My mom chastised me.

I smiled. He didn’t even care. His mind was on other matters at the time. For instance, my underwear clad vagina running against his blue-jean covered length. “He had his mind elsewhere.”

“Gross! That’s disgusting, PP.” Bennett whined.

“PP?” Max asked.

“Bennett thinks it’s funny. He’s been saying it since he was six. For some reason, my parents don’t seem to think it was that big of a deal.” I said as I glared at said parents.

“Oh, Payton. That’s a brother’s job. Although, Ember started giving me nut shots when I did stuff she didn’t like. My parents didn’t stop her either.” He said a little sadly.

Sensing the sore subject, I switched it. “Max helps battered women get away from volatile situations.”

The table went quiet, and Max looked a little funny.

He looked at me and asked quietly, “How did you know that?”

I was confused, was I not supposed to know? “Cheyenne told me. When I first met Sam, there were five ginormous men in the room, and I thought I was going to throw up. Do you not remember me leaving as soon as I walked into the room? I didn’t really have to pick up my brother, I just needed an excuse to leave. Y’all made me extremely uncomfortable. Anyway, she sensed what my problem was, and told me what y’all did to help all those women.”

His eyes softened as I spoke. He knew how scared I was in situations such as the one I’d entered into, but he most not have put two and two together from back then. Dad was watching Max with a considering look and mom had tears gathered in her eyes.

Bennett was a different story. “Can I help?” He asked.

“As of right now, we need people with certain types of skills. Jack’s good with a computer, but we could always use someone who is good with that type of stuff. Can you work a computer?” Max asked.

“No, sorry. My fingers are like sausages. They can only chicken peck.” He said holding up his hands.

His fingers were large. They always reminded me of a tennis racket. They were seriously that massive. His feet were a size sixteen. When Bennett finally grew into his body, he would be one intimidating person. Now, he looked good for a sixteen year old, but still resembled a teenager, not a man. When he started to put on some bulk, he’d be a heart breaker.


