Another One Bites the Dust Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Freebirds #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Freebirds Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 97275 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 486(@200wpm)___ 389(@250wpm)___ 324(@300wpm)

“What the fuck is all over you?” I asked her.

“Well, I got stuck in your truck. Good thing your four wheel drive works!” She said teasingly before taking off at full speed and hitting me like a freight train.

Her legs curled around me, and even having her spurs poking me in the ass didn’t make me let her go. My arms went around her bottom to help support her, and I buried my face into the crook of her neck. She was wearing perfume, just subtle enough for me to smell it, but not enough to make me want to gag. “God, I missed you.”

“I kind of missed you, too.” I said as I walked us both out the door.

Right as I got outside, thunder boomed, making my body feel alive. “You know, Gabe has a saying when it rains.”

“I’ve heard about his saying, Max. You’re ahead of the game on that one.” She said teasingly.

Gabe liked to say it was ‘baby making weather’ whenever it rained so hard that you didn’t want to leave the comfort of your home. The weather we were experiencing was definitely the perfect example. “You got that right, honey.”

“So you’re happy?” She asked worriedly.

“The only thing that could make this moment better was if I wasn’t in jail the past four days.” I said teasingly right before my eyes caught sight of my truck. “What the heck happened to my truck?”

Payton looked over her shoulder and laughed. It was absolutely covered in mud from the wheel wells in the front to the very back. She even managed to get some on the back window, and that was extremely impressive when she wasn’t even trying.

“I got stuck in the front yard. I already told you!” She said.

Opening the passenger side door, I held it open while Alpha jumped in, and then placed Payton on the seat. I grabbed the seat belt and strapped her in, but stopped and rested my head on the softness of her belly. I gave it a soft kiss, and then jogged around the car once the skies opened up and a torrential downpour drenched me.

A quick glance up at the sky showed me that the black clouds wouldn’t let up for a long time. “Are we still getting married outside?”

“Um, not exactly.” She squirmed.

“What does that mean?” I asked carefully.

“What does what mean?” She evaded.

“You know what I asked, terd.” I said as I rolled my eyes.

“You’ll see.” She said mysteriously.


“I, Payton, take you, Max, to be my husband. I promise to care for you, even when you are being a titty baby about a minor cold. I promise to always make sure you are fed, but if you continue to leave your Little Debbie wrappers out, I will kick your ass. I promise if you fall in public, that I will turn around and laugh at the wall instead of at you. I know I may have some annoying habits, and I am glad that you can overlook them and still love me anyway. I mean, I do the same for you. I promise to make sure to always spray the air freshener after you stay in the bathroom for forty-five minutes in the morning. I also promise to understand when our marriage is interrupted for hunting season.”

Laughter followed her proclamation, but I would not be one-upped.

“I, Max, take you Payton, to be my perfect little house wife. I promise to leave my socks and wrappers laying around, to give you something to do during the day instead of sitting on your ass. I promise to fix your car if it isn’t working right, but I’ll be damned if I let you borrow mine. That one is mine, not yours. I promise to watch most of what you want to watch on the TV. That does not include the show that has soldier’s returning home, nor does it include the baby show where all you do is cry. I have a dick, not a vagina. I promise not to freak out again like I did a few weeks ago when you asked me to go buy you tampons. Finally, I promise to try very hard to put the toilet seat down so you don’t fall in in the middle of the night like you did last night. I’m sorry your butt got wet.”

Payton was in tears by the time I finished. Her laughter was contained, but everyone else in the audience had no such concession. Bennett was guffawing, nearly falling out of his chair. The same went for Ember, Blaine, and Cheyenne. I gave my sister a wink, and returned my gaze to Payton.

“Well, then. By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you Man and Wife. You may kiss the bride.” Preacher Collins proclaimed.

Payton threw herself into my arms, and my mouth devoured hers. Catcalls went up through the room, and by the time my tongue found its way back into my own mouth, both of us were out of breath and panting in desire. A crowd of sixty wasn’t enough to dampen it either.

“So, Mrs. Tremaine, how does it feel?” I asked her as we walked down the aisle.

“How does what feel?” She asked.

“To be married to the sexiest person on the planet.”


“I can’t believe you rented a circus tent.” I said to Tony.

He gestured to Payton, who was dancing with her brother to some sappy song. “Anything for my baby.”

He really did mean that, too. He would do anything when it came to his girl, and I only hoped that I lived up to the large shoes I had to fill when it came to parenting. My dad was one hell of a man, and so was Tony. I just wished my father would be here to witness the birth of his grandchild.

“Can you believe she got married in that?” Jessie asked Tony.

“Jess, honey, you know that girl is crazy. Who are we to tell her she can’t wear what she wants to wear? Moreover, she’s twenty-fucking-four years old. She’s old enough to make her own decisions.” Tony told his wife.


