Another One Bites the Dust Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Freebirds #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Freebirds Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 97275 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 486(@200wpm)___ 389(@250wpm)___ 324(@300wpm)

“Under my jacket.” He answered as I heard a snap and his hand was empty again.

“That’s not a knife, this is a knife!” Cheyenne said in a cheesy Australian accent and waved a pocket knife that was connected to her keys around.

“Y’all are such fucking weirdos,” Max said as he patted my leg. “Call me if you need me, baby. I love you lots.”

We all watched him walk out of the room. His faded Wrangler jeans fit his ass like a glove. His long sleeved black Henley fit every muscle to perfection. I could just make a faint outline of a knife down the spine of his back, and it had me wondering why he had a knife instead of a gun. Then I thought about all the patients around and felt stupid. Of course, he would never endanger someone else’s life.

“He wears that beard well.” Cheyenne surmised.

“That he does. My brother can rock anything.”

“I’m so glad that you’re awake!” Ember cried.

“Max has been a downer Debbie since your accident. He was a huge mess.” Cheyenne explained in response to Ember’s crying.

“Okay, please tell me someone brought me some real food!” I begged.

Ember smiled and pulled a fucking foot long Subway sandwich out of her damn pants. I stared at her speechless for a second, and then burst out laughing. Tears were streaming down my face, and I held the pillow against my incision trying to lessen the pain of laughing.

“Oh, my God. What the hell?” I asked wiping tears from the corner of my eyes.

She smiled and showed me her stretchy sweat pants that had a pocket on the inside. “I always wanted to try to conceal something in there. Figured this was the perfect time seeing as Nazi Nurse out there said you couldn’t have food. So I shoved it in my pants before really thinking about it.”

“She did. Nurse Jessica doesn’t really like you. Why is that?” Cheyenne asked curiously.

“She kept bouncing her boobies in front of Max’s face and he paid no attention to them.” I supplied.

They both made understanding noises, and we got down to the real business.

I closed my eyes, and asked what was really bothering me. “Tell me about the accident.”

I opened my eyes to their sympathetic gazes. Ember looked at Cheyenne, and then back at me.

“Well, honey, you coded.” Cheyenne finally said hesitantly.

My heard started to gallop, and Cheyenne glanced at the beeping monitor, and then back at me. “Yeah, it was horrible. They did your C-section thinking you weren’t going to survive. Your doctor was on call and delivered Harleigh. She went straight to the NICU while they worked to stop your bleeding for another four hours. Max hasn’t left the hospital since. He’s been alternating between you and Harleigh ever since.”

“Tell me what really happened with O’Hare.” I demanded.

“Well, from what I understand, Sam has a brother who is about three years younger than him. His father told him some interesting things, and now he’s looking back on his childhood and is wondering what they heck really happened. His mom is a closed vault, and refuses to tell him anything more on the subject.” Cheyenne said.

“So, this brother whacks O’Hare right there in her hospital room, yet no one can prove it. After your accident, James shot O’Hare in the cheek. She developed a pretty nasty infection while she was in the county jail, and they took her to a room one door down from Sam’s brother. No one knows what happened after that. The video monitors went out for thirty minutes. She was found hanging by the telephone cord in the shower stall in her bathroom.” Ember continued excitedly.

“Holy Shit.” I whispered.

“He’s fucking hot, too!” Ember stage whispered.

“You could say that again!” Cheyenne said as she pulled a cookie out of her purse and ate it in two big bites.

Ember contemplated her fingernails a second before saying, “I wonder if his cock is as big as Sam’s…”

Bennett cleared his voice from the doorway blushing furiously all the while looking incredibly uncomfortable.

“She’s done talking about Sam’s penis. You can come in.” I said to him.

He was still avoiding my eyes and it finally dawned on me that my boobs were hooked up to the milk machine. “Oh, shit. I’m sorry! Why the hell didn’t you guys say something earlier?” I said as I glared at Cheyenne and Ember.

I shifted the sheets so that my nipples were no longer on display.

“Oh, honey,” Ember said sarcastically. “There was this one time that Max walked in on me breast feeding Wolverine (Yes, she calls her son Wolverine), and popped off to look at Max, and breast milk started squirting everywhere. I swear I’ve never seen anyone run so fast in my life.”

“You’re kidding me!” I said flabbergasted. “How is that even possible?”

“Not a clue. Old Milk Cow over here can squirt someone from across the room.” Ember said dryly.

“Okay, Benny Bear! Come see me!” I said happily.

He smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek. His gaze lingered on my forehead where the stitches were. “You scared the shit out of us.”

“Why aren’t you in school?” I asked by way of changing the subject.

He grimaced. “I had an appointment with the lawyer. I found out you were awake when Max called me during the meeting. Not to mention it’s nearly seven.”

“Well, shit. I need to get down to Harleigh here shortly. How did that go with the lawyer?” I asked curiously.

He sat down with a huff. “Not good. She’s fighting for sole custody. Now she’s claiming that I r-raped her.”

“WHAT?” Three high-pitched voices screamed.

He nodded. Then his head hung low in a defeated position.

“The lawyer recommended that I turn myself in; he says that if I do that, then it might help my case. I called Luke; he’s going to meet me here.”

“That little bitch!” Ember fumed.

“My thoughts exactly.” Bennett agreed.

I made a phone call to the NICU to check on Harleigh, and asked if it would be all right if Harleigh had visitors. Eleanor readily agreed, and we all trumped down to the NICU.


