Baby I’m Yours – Forbidden Billionaires Read Online Lili Valente

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 90337 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 452(@200wpm)___ 361(@250wpm)___ 301(@300wpm)

We play two more games, splitting the victories and the rest of the bottle of champagne, before the captain announces our descent into New York.

Elaina tenses again, but less severely than before.

“Tell me about your castle in the deep dark jungle of Manhattan,” she says as we bank toward the city. “Will my tower room have a gym? A coffee shop? Will I be able to get into shape and stay properly caffeinated while I’m imprisoned?”

“You won’t be imprisoned,” I say dryly. “Though I appreciate the fairy tale energy.”

“Thank you, but honestly, that part in the contract about not leaving the apartment without permission and keeping my whereabouts a secret from everyone…” She wrinkles her nose. “Sounds pretty prison-like to me.”

“It’s temporary,” I remind her. “I’ll show you several places in the neighborhood that you can explore without fear of discovery. And as far as prisons are concerned, it’s a nice one. Upper West Side, overlooking the park. Three bedrooms, two offices, a private elevator, and yes, a gym. Though that I share with the other residents of the top floors, along with the sauna, hot tub, and swimming pool.”

“Swimming pool and hot tub sound nice. But two offices?” She arches a brow. “Let me guess, one for business and the other for…more business? Because when you go, you go hard?”

“The very hardest,” I agree. “When I’m in the middle of a big deal, my assistant sometimes comes to work in the second office. But I don’t have anything pressing in development at the moment. You can use the second office as your own, if you’d like.”

Her eyes widen. “Yeah? What would I use it for?”

“Brainstorming your next business venture, perhaps? I’m sure you’ll want to work in the city eventually, once the baby’s in pre-school, if not before. You’ll be bored to tears if you don’t have something on your plate. A brilliant business mind needs a project to thrive.”

“It does, you’re right,” she says as the plane touches down with barely a bump. She laughs, giving my thigh a light smack. “Good job with the distraction.”

“Thank you,” I say.

She hesitates a beat before asking, “Did you mean it? Do you really think I’m a brilliant business mind?”

“You started a business at eighteen,” I say. “A food service business, no less. Sixty to eighty percent of food service endeavors fail in the first two years. But you’re still standing and thriving.” I nudge her knee with mine. “So, yeah, I’d say pretty brilliant. But don’t let it go to your head.”

“Too late,” she whispers, holding my gaze with a warmth and gratitude I enjoy far too much. “Already plotting world domination.”

I grunt. “Don’t know why I expected anything less.”

As we taxi to the private hangar, I realize all the stirrings of dread are gone. I’m actually looking forward to showing her the apartment. To watching her explore the space, claim it as her own, set up her computer in the office where she will no doubt begin her domination of the world.

At least of my world…

It would be so easy to fall under this woman’s spell for longer than a few months, but that’s all we have.

And I’ll do my best to remember that tonight and every night until we say goodbye for good.



The drive from JFK to the Upper West Side gives me plenty of time to overthink everything.

Especially how much I enjoyed the flight with Hunter.

Damn him for being so good at calming my nerves. At making me laugh. At chess, of all things. And yes, I am still better at chess than he is—what can I say; it’s my weird natural talent—but he’s no slouch.

And he didn’t seem to mind getting stomped by a café owner without a college education, either.

In fact, he seemed almost…proud of me.

I wouldn’t have expected Hunter to be the kind of man who knows when to check his ego. Or the kind to be so generous with his compliments or his praise or his “bonus office.” He really seems to believe in me, which is really, really attractive.

If a girl didn’t know better, she could start to see long-term potential here.

But I do know better. Which is why I have to stay focused on the big picture—now, more than ever. I need to remember that this is a place I’m dropping anchor for a short time, not a safe harbor, and keep my options open and my heart under lock and key.

“Hungry?” Hunter asks as we turn onto Central Park West. “I could have the driver stop at the gourmet deli on the corner before we get to my building. Or we could order delivery once we get to my place if you don’t mind waiting for dinner.”

“I’m fine with waiting, if you are,” I say. “Especially if you have Thai food places that deliver around here. I’ve only had Thai food once, but if I remember correctly, it was the most delicious thing ever.”


