Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 105803 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 529(@200wpm)___ 423(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 105803 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 529(@200wpm)___ 423(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)
Yet, something isn’t quite right.
I’m starting to feel…strange.
“I should call it a night.” I try to say the words but they come out alien.
My lips are numb.
I frown.
“I need to lie down.”
Something is wrong.
The wine glass in my hand crashes to the floor and shatters, sending blood-red wine spattering across the floor.
I walk toward the door, but a wave of dizziness makes me stumble and I collapse onto the edge of the bed. “What have you done?”
She doesn’t reply. Instead, she watches as I haul myself further onto the bed so I don’t fall onto the floor.
I collapse against the pillows. My vision is blurry and I’ve lost all sensation in my arms and legs. “What have you done to me?”
She approaches the bed and climbs on, crawling across my body and settling on my groin. She straddles me. I don’t want her on me but I can’t move to stop her.
“What are…you doing..?”
It’s getting harder to talk.
I can’t move my lips.
“I put Wolfsbane and a little something else in the wine.” Her smile is dark. “I took the antidote earlier so it wouldn’t affect me. You see, I need your attention, Adam. I need you to stop and finally fucking see me. I mean, what was I meant to do? I’ve tried talking to you and that doesn’t work. I’ve tried getting your attention in many ways but you’re so blinded by that slutty wench you don’t even notice me.”
“Guinevere…” I try to say her name but it only comes out as a gurgle.
“You think you can shove me aside to marry that vapid bitch without any consequences,” she says in a low, dangerous voice I don’t recognize. “You think you can use me up then cast me aside just so you can have some fuck girl who only dropped her panties so she could trap the club prince with her rancid pussy. I’m not going to be overlooked like that, Adam. We had something special. We were meant to be together, but you don’t seem to get it.”
She produces a knife from behind her. A long kitchen knife. I don’t know where it came from because everything has turned fuzzy.
“I’m taking you with me into the afterlife. But so you don’t use this pretty face to leave me again once we get there, I’m taking it from you first.” She leans her face closer so I can see the evil in her eyes. “They call you Beast as an affectionate nickname due to your unusual size. But I’m going to make sure you die looking like one.”
I struggle to understand what is happening.
My vision has curled at the edges and become hazy.
Everything is warped.
I want to tell her to stop, but I can’t move my tongue or my lips, and my voice is gone. I can’t even blink. All I can do is stare up at her, my heart pounding rapidly against my ribs as she lowers the blade to my cheek and begins to slice into the skin.
The pain is horrendous but I can’t move to stop it.
I try to scream.
But all I can do is stare up at her as she cuts into me with the knife, over and over and over again.
I wake up on what would be my wedding day, with my face throbbing beneath layers of gauze and bandage. Jennifer weeps beside the hospital bed. I reach for her hand and she sobs louder.
"What happened?" I croak.
My wrists also throb and I have a vague memory of Guinevere slicing them open.
"That bitch tried to kill you, then she killed herself."
"She's dead?"
"They found her in a pool of blood by the fireplace in your room. She drugged your wine before she attacked you. Then she slit her wrists and died watching you bleed out on the bed. She wanted you to die together... Some sick fantasy no doubt, where you'd be together in the afterlife." She shakes with more sobs. "Crazy bitch."
It’s a lot to absorb when my face is throbbing with this fucking pain and my thoughts are hazy from all the drugs.
"That witch, I'm happy she's dead," Jennifer says with a sob.
I look at my fiancée’s tearstained face and ache to take away her tears.
"It’s going to be okay." I have to mumble because I can' t move my face.
"Today was supposed to be my wedding day," she cries. "That old hag always hated me and she decided if she couldn't have you then no one could, especially me. She hated that I was so much younger and prettier than her."
I decide I'm too high on drugs to apply any logic to the situation. Jennifer is hurt and angry and not making any sense, and I feel like I'm about to crack open from the inside out with all this goddamn pain.
I close my eyes and drift back into a sweet darkness where there is no more pain and I can't hear Jennifer's anguish anymore.