Beast (MC Fables #1) Read Online Penny Dee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: MC Fables Series by Penny Dee

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 105803 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 529(@200wpm)___ 423(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)

“Jesus,” Coulter mutters, looking at the remains. “Someone shot half his face off.”

“Yes, that’s probably what killed him,” Beaver says.

“I would’ve thought that was obvious,” Coulter says, turning gray as he looks away. “Don’t you people use Vaporub or something when looking at these things?”

Beaver hands him a small tub, and Coulter scoops out a dollop to put under his nose.

“I say it’s probably the cause of death only because I haven’t done the autopsy yet. The facial wound could have been done after death to discourage identification.”

“And who would want to do that to the club president?” I say, thinking out loud.

Sheriff Coulter turns to me. “Is there some new turf war going on that I should know about?”

“It wasn’t us,” I tell him. “He could’ve gone in the water anywhere between here and Bracken’s Lot which is the start of Psychos territory. It’s a long coastline.”

Sheriff Coulter runs a hand through his hair, still struggling with the smell. “I don’t like it.”

“I’m sure he doesn’t either,” Beaver replies. “I just found another bullet wound and its right in the heart.”

“Do you know how long he’s been in the water?” I ask.

“I’ll have a better idea after the autopsy. But my guess is, he’s been in there at least a week.”

Sheriff Coulter gives me a pointed look. “You know, this is the second president of a motorcycle club to go missing in four months. If someone is making a point, you might want to keep your eyes and ears open.”

“That’s not what is at play here,” I say.

“What does that mean?”

“It means the Unhinged Psychos have a new president.”

In Church, I bring the club up to speed.

“The sheriff could be right, Beast. Someone could have a thorn in their side about motorcycle club hierarchy and be trying to prove a point,” Lars says.

“Boney?” Bram suggests.

“I doubt it. His hard-on is for the Knights and this land. No, no this feels more like in-house cleaning to me. And I have an idea who did it.”

Viking straightens in his chair. “You suggesting this was Gaston?”

“The Psychos would kill him,” Gambit says.

“Not if they don’t know,” I say. “Think about it. Dodger goes missing and then Gaston challenges me for the position. Now he’s wearing an Unhinged Psychos cut and their president washes up on the beach.”

“Goddamn,” Lars mutters.

“You really think he’s gunning for the position of president?” Bear asks.

“He always was an entitled asshole,” Lars grumbles. “He probably thought he could run the club better than Gunner so he took the steps to make it happen.”

“I’ll speak to Roxy. See if any of her girls have heard anything. They might not discuss business while getting their dicks played with, but politics won’t be off the table.”

“There’s another possibility that some of you will be thinking but not game enough to say it,” Axe says.

“Which is?” I ask.

“They haven’t found Dodger’s body⁠—”

Viking almost upends the table to get to Axe. But Lars and Bear hold him back.

He sneers at Axe. “Shut your goddamn mouth.”

“It’s a fair enough question,” Axe says. “If he’s not dead then where the fuck is he?”

“Dodger would never turn his back on this club,” Viking seethes. “Why would he?”

“I don’t know. But Dodger disappears the same time this synthetic phantasia appears on the street.”

Again Viking goes for Axe.

“Enough,” I bark. “There’s no point in killing each other over empty assumptions and what ifs.” I look at them both and give them a clear warning. “This stops and doesn’t continue out there. You got it? We need to stay strong as brothers. Not weaken this club with in-house fighting. Do I make myself clear.”

Both men nod, and Lars and Bear release Viking.

“Fucking hallelujah,” I snap as I bring the gavel down on Church.

I’m sick of discussing Gaston and Dodger.

And truth be told, I just want to get back to my room and fuck my wife.



I’m waiting for him when he gets in from Church.


When he sees me, he starts removing his clothes as he walks toward me on the bed.

His leather cut is the first to go. Then his boots.

Then he pulls his T-shirt over his head, revealing a torso thick with muscle.

I watch him from the bed and lick my lips hungrily, because I know he likes it when I do that.

Enjoying the tease, he pulls his belt slowly through the loops of his jeans, his gaze hot, his expression burning with dark promises of what is to come.

His hand moves to his zipper.

His jeans drop.

I look at his hard cock straining against his underwear and lick my lips again, wanting a taste. Wanting him in my mouth. Wanting him inside me.

I rise up on my knees and rub my nipples until they’re taut peaks.

He pulls me to him and buries his face into my neck. “Mmmm, you smell delicious,” he growls softly in my ear. “I want every inch of you.”


