Beast (MC Fables #1) Read Online Penny Dee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: MC Fables Series by Penny Dee

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 105803 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 529(@200wpm)___ 423(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)

On the right-hand side of the room is a small bar area where bottles of top-shelf liquor gleam on glass shelves. To the left is a large fireplace with a ginormous mirror sitting above the mantle.

But it’s what is sitting beside the desk that grabs my attention. A massive model of the town of Saint Boniface, specifically the land where the Knights clubhouse sits. Except on this model the clubhouse is gone and in its place are rows and rows of condominiums. There is no green space. No picnic areas for families to grill on summer nights, or kids to play. There’s no playground. No swimming pool. Just a massive gated community for rich people.

I stare at it, hating what I see.

Mayor Boney is selling the green space idea to the townspeople for election votes, but in reality he wants his greedy little hands on it so he can turn it into a real estate gold mine.

Exactly what Beast said he was doing.

It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.

I look at the name on plastic gates leading into the village of condominiums. Vista Paradise.

I screw my nose up at the name.

I reach for my phone in my jeans so I can take photos as proof of Boney’s true plans for the clubhouse land. My land. But the sudden rumbling of an approaching motorcycle draws my attention outside before I can take any photos. I quickly move across the room to the patio doors and pull aside the curtains where I can see onto the driveway. A lone man on a motorcycle pulls up to the front door and climbs off.

At first I think it’s Beast, and I hope it isn’t because this could go wrong if it is.

But when he gets closer, I can see it isn’t him. He’s nowhere near as big. Nowhere near as intimidating.

Wait. He’s wearing an Unhinged Psychos cut.

My already hammering heartbeat skyrockets as I watch Boney walk outside to greet him. Although greet is a generous word. He’s not pleased with the biker showing up.

My mind races, but I don’t have time to process it because Boney ushers him into the house and every instinct inside me tells me to hide.

I step back and let the curtain fall back into place and frantically scan the room for a place to hide, but there is none. And there are no doors leading off the room, only the one leading out into the hallway.


Hearing the biker and the mayor out in the hallway, I quickly hide under the bar just as the door to the den opens.

My heart racing, I put my hand over my mouth so they can’t hear me breathing.

My heart racing, I pull out my phone and start recording. I don’t know what this visit from an Unhinged Psycho is about. But my instincts tell me to record it.

“I told you not to come here,” Boney says as he and the biker walk into the den and the door closes behind him.

“Yeah, well things have changed. Gunner is dead and Gaston was set on fire by that fucking Beast.”

“I heard about Gaston. Is Beast responsible for Gunner too?”

“No. That was Gaston. He decided he wanted to wear the president’s patch. He challenged Gunner. Told him he would be a better leader. He had some of my club brothers convinced too. Not me though. That lunatic was a different kind of crazy.”

“What happened?” Boney sounds irritated.

“He killed Gunner. Dumped him in the ocean.”

“I should’ve known better than to go into business with the Unhinged Psychos,” Boney says, his voice growing closer as he walks toward the bar. “I must’ve had rocks in my fucking skull.”

My heart leaps into my throat when his legs appear in front of me and he starts to fix himself a drink. I hold my breath, my pulse racing. I don’t know what he’ll do if he catches me here.

“Things have worked out well,” the biker says.

“You’re fucking kidding me, aren’t you?” Boney snaps, untwisting the top from a bottle and pouring alcohol into a glass. “I gave you the perfect plan. Sell inferior product using the Knight’s logo and deal it in town. Even funded the entire operation. Thought we could all make a profit while destroying the Knights’ reputation and running them out of town. But now this in-house fighting is going to derail the whole thing.”

Boney takes a long sip of his drink. He drains the glass. Then pours another.

Jesus, is he going to stand there the entire time?

“The club is strong,” the biker declares.

“You just had a goddamn coup and you’re telling me the club is strong? You don’t even have a goddamn president anymore. One is fish food and the other’s burnt to a crisp.”

“The damage is done to the Knights. Just like you planned. Using their logo on the bad dope has made people wary of buying their product. Turned the town against them.”


