Beast Mode Jake Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Billionaire, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 49
Estimated words: 45328 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 227(@200wpm)___ 181(@250wpm)___ 151(@300wpm)

In the bedroom I laid her back across the bed and spread her legs open. I knelt on the floor and pulled her ass off the edge of the bed so I could eat her out thoroughly.

I shook my head from side to side with my tongue buried deep inside her, and stroked my aching cock as her taste exploded in my mouth.

I let her cum this time before pulling out my tongue and got to my feet. I reached on the bed next to her for the other thing I’d taken from the bag.

I used the oil to grease up my cock and squirted some in her ass. Once I was satisfied that she was well prepared, I lifted her ankles in the air and led my cock into her ass inch by inch until I was completely buried there.

I fucked nice and slow while looking into her eyes. “Play with your pussy but do not cum. If you make yourself cum I will stay away for three days. No phone call, no contact.”

She didn’t hesitate this time to get her hand on her clit. She rubbed her pussy as I fucked her ass and didn’t lost eye contact.

Our breathing heated up together with each deep stroke of my cock into her tight ass and her fingers going in and out of her cunt.

When I was ready to cum I pulled out of her ass and jerked my seed all over her cunt and ass. “Move your hands.” She took her hands away from her cunt and waited for my next instruction.

“Stay there.” I went back downstairs and brought up the other bags, throwing a few of them into the walking closet as I passed before taking the black short sheer negligee into the room with me.

“Sit up.” I pulled it on over her head, admiring the way her tits looked under the material. I went into the bathroom and redressed before going back to the bed where she was still sitting where I’d left her.

This time I kissed her long and hard before leaving. “Sleep tight!” I locked up and left and headed to my favorite restaurant to have dinner alone.


I checked in on her using the phone and saw her sitting at the kitchen table eating by herself. She looked so sad and alone I was almost tempted to go back to her, but I fought the need and headed home instead once dinner was over.

Max got a nice late night run and I did a few laps in the pool, this time not chasing anything, before going up to bed.

In the morning I checked up on her on the laptop. She was still asleep in bed, curled onto her side with what used to be my pillow held tightly against her.

I felt better than I had in months as I got ready for the day, and for once I was able to get through one without thoughts of her plaguing me.

That evening I left the office a little later and I stopped and picked up dinner before going to her. She was dressed as if she was going out somewhere.

“Going somewhere?”

“Janine and the others invited me out for dinner.”

“Cancel!” I didn’t wait to see if she would do it, just walked to the back of the house to the kitchen.

I heard the drone of her voice seconds before she came into the kitchen. I had the table already set with dinner and wine, no candles though.

“Come!” I held out my hand for her and sat her at the place next to mine. “How was your day?”

“It was fine.” She sounded like the angel I first met. Unsure of herself and happy to be in love.

“What did you do?”

“Nothing much, just read some, watched TV. Took a bath.” She sounded almost strained as if she were afraid to say the wrong thing.

She picked at her food, pushing it around on the plate. “Eat!” She looked at me before lifting the fork to her mouth.

We ate in silence after that until we’d both had enough then we got up to clear the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher.

“Come into the living room when you’re done.” I’d already lost my jacket and tie, now I rolled my sleeves up and sat on the couch waiting for her to join me.

She came into the room and stood next to the couch. “Take off your clothes. Leave the shoes on. I always did like to see her naked in those death defying stilts she calls shoes. I’ve fucked her hard and plenty in that get up in the past.

She stripped standing there in the living room before I took her hand and pulled her around the couch by hand.

I sat her with her back against the arm of the chair and pulled one of her legs up and along the back of the couch, spreading her pussy open so I could see the pink inside her cunt.


