Beast Mode Jake Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Billionaire, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 49
Estimated words: 45328 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 227(@200wpm)___ 181(@250wpm)___ 151(@300wpm)

And it wasn’t just hard fucking all the time. At night, I made sure I made love to her for hours before she went to sleep in my arms. In the mornings I’d ride her slow again or have her sit on my cock until we both came.

There was always intimacy when I touched her, little whispers to let her know I wasn’t just fucking a body but my wife.

What the fuck was she feeling while I was showing her my heart at every turn? The anger still burns bright and I have no idea how to assuage it.

I had to stop watching her when it got to be too much. Every once in a while my eyes would go to the screen to see her, as she sat there for hours before getting up to go get something to eat.

I realized that she hadn’t been out in the last few days. Always waiting for me to come to her. She’d ended our marriage by running out of my house while I was at the office and disappearing.

Now she was holding herself hostage in that same house, waiting for me. Poetic justice maybe? Whatever it was she was going to have to work it out on her own. Only she knows why she’d done what she did.

Hopefully she was spending the time on her own, thinking about where she went wrong, and not only that, but coming to grips with the fact that we can never go back to who we were together before.

Part of my reason for being so standoffish with her is that I want her to get it out of her head that all she has to do anymore is snap her fingers and I’d come running.

Those days are gone probably never to return again. That was something else I used to do without having to think about it, if she wanted something, it was hers.

She never wanted for anything, including my love, and yet she chose to throw it all away. And it still pisses me off that she thought it was as easy as her deciding that she wanted me back and that’s all it would take. What the fuck?

Somewhere along the line she’d come to see me as soft. I blame my over indulgence for that. That too is gonna change if I decide that I want her. But a lot of this depends on her.

Since I got it right the first time, she’s gonna have to be the one to get her shit together. Until she accepts that she was wrong, that she handled the whole situation the wrong way I don’t see how we can move forward.

I hope she comes to her senses soon though because my cock can’t stand much more of this. I’ve been hard, or semi hard, ever since that first phone call a few weeks ago.

And like I said, her mouth and ass may ease the physical ache, but nothing can take the place of the passion we shared when I was buried deep inside her pussy.

Each time I came inside her I was sharing a part of me with her. She’s the only woman I ever rode bareback and still the only one I’d ever even consider sharing that part of me with. Which is a hard fucking pill to swallow.

I’d missed that, that closeness of being with the only other being in the world that seemed to make my life complete.

I hadn’t even allowed myself to jerk off in the last six-months, there was just nothing in it. I missed the intimacy I guess, of being with my woman, the woman I loved. The woman who’d betrayed me.


I took one last look at her and closed the laptop in frustration. I got back to work for real this time, throwing myself into what I was doing and trying to completely shut her out of my mind.

By the time evening came around I sat in my car for five minutes deciding whether I should go to her or not. Part of me wanted to go to her and part of me wasn’t ready.

That first week when we were just fucking and there was nothing else on the table, I’d convinced myself that I was fine with that.

But then she had to go and change shit, again. Like she was the puppeteer and I was just her little wooden toy on a fucking string. Like she hadn’t learned shit, or she was just too fucking inconsiderate to care.

In the end I went back to my place and after hitting the on sight gym and doing a few laps in the pool I threw a steak on the grill and made myself a salad.

I poured myself a glass of wine while the steak was cooking and decided to check in on her again. I was just in time to see her heading out the door.


