Beautiful Beast 2 Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 91049 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 455(@200wpm)___ 364(@250wpm)___ 303(@300wpm)

“You are such a sore loser,” she giggles musically.

I wrap an arm around her and tug her close to me. Mini golf. She has me playing miniature golf. It’s been a month and I have done more things on this island than I’ve done in my thirty years of life.

Cinder has made Verlez feel like home again. I’ve tried to make it feel like home for her as well. Whenever she mentions something she loves or something from home that she misses, I make it happen or find places like it here in Verlez to make her wishes come true.

“I wouldn’t be a sore loser if you didn’t insist on rubbing it in my face every time you win,” I mumble.

“What fun would it be if I couldn’t rub it in your face?” she purrs.

I squeeze her ass, then slap it. I’ve grown fonder of this woman in so many ways. Her teasing has become something I look forward to.

Pecking her lips, I relish in her presence. I search her eyes, not for the first time, in a quest to find what it is about her that makes me so crazy about her. I release a sigh and kiss her again.

“What’s wrong? You’ve been moody all day?”

I release her and rub my forehead. I’ve been avoiding this for a few days now. I have so much I need to tell her. I finally have most of the answers to many of my questions.

I won’t be able to keep her in this bubble I’ve created for much longer. She’s been asking to take a trip back to London. I’ve distracted her every time. Cinder is too smart for me to continue this.

At this point, I think she may be angry with me when she finds out all I’ve been keeping from her. I’ve fallen in love with the woman before me. I can’t bear the thought of losing her.

“I’d like you to accompany me somewhere this afternoon,” I say.

“Okay, but what’s up with the mood?”

I chuckle. “I don’t know. I might be nervous.”

She gives me that little teasing smile. Moving closer, she looks at me through her lashes. She places her arms around my neck and lifts onto her toes.

“Is my prince turning shy on me?”

“Your prince, aye?”

Her smile faults a little. I want to kick myself. I drop the club I’ve been holding to wrap my arms around her.

“I didn’t mean to—”

I kiss her before she can finish her words. I am hers. I’ve been hers from the moment I saw her in that office. She captured me in one glance.

“Come, I’ve waited long enough. I want you to see this,” I say against her lips.

I kiss her forehead and a ghost of a smile returns to her lips. If I could wrap her in my arms and steal her away from the world, I would. I’m starting to understand her parents more.

“Now I’m excited,” she says.

* * *


He keeps peeking at me out of the corner of his eye. He’s starting to make me nervous. I already feel like I completely embarrassed myself earlier.

I didn’t mean to call him my prince. Over the last month I’ve been planning every detail of his ball by day and sleeping in his bed at night. I’ve told myself that I can enjoy him until the time comes for me to leave.

However, I’ve forgotten to tell my stupid heart not to fall for him. Boy, have I fallen for this man. He doesn’t make it easy for me not to. The dates and time he spends with me have only made it that much harder not to fall.

“This is it,” he breathes as we pull up to a stunning castle.

And this is what I’m talking about. First, mini golf on the most beautiful course ever. The grounds were so peaceful and charming. Such a romantic setting for a miniature golf course. Now this.

The castle is simply breathtaking. I can’t stop my mouth from dropping open. I thought his family’s castle was a stunner. This place is so gorgeous I start to imagine my wedding being somewhere like this. No, scratch that. I can totally see planning my wedding here.

“Where are we?”

“Château Heathworth. The Heathworth Manor,” he says.

I turn to find him staring at me intently. I crease my brows in confusion. I shake my head, not understanding.

“But… that’s the name of my Château. It’s in Fru Fru Palms.”

“Verlez and Fru Fru Palms are connected by the bridge we crossed. They are neighboring islands. The two kingdoms have been on friendly terms to keep others from invading them for centuries.”

“So you knew where this place was all this time?”

“Yes, I had Williams ensure they got it ready for your arrival. There were a few repairs I didn’t want you to have to deal with. She’s ready for you now,” he says.


