Before I Die Read online Nikki Ash

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Billionaire, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 114
Estimated words: 108141 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 541(@200wpm)___ 433(@250wpm)___ 360(@300wpm)

We’re almost an hour into the movie when the scene where Charlie admits that she’s falling in love with Maverick begins. When I picked this movie, I completely forgot about this scene. The song “Take My Breath Away” plays through the surround sound of the room, and I begin to feel a bit antsy. I fidget as I move my legs under me, trying to get more comfortable. Charlie is underneath Maverick in a passionate and erotic embrace, and I’m sitting next to Ethan watching, wanting what she has—to feel wanted and desired.

When Ethan kissed me in the club, I felt something similar, and ever since I’ve found myself wanting more: more passion, more touching. I never wanted it with Gerald. He always begged, but I didn’t get it. Now, though… I think I do.

Ethan pauses the movie and it freezes on the part where Charlie’s hand is grazing Maverick’s back. I shift on the couch, the muscles between my legs clenching.

“Are you okay?” Ethan asks, placing his arm behind me on the sofa, edging closer to me.

I look over at him and he has a devilish smirk across his perfect face. “Yes, I’m fine,” I say, but even I can hear the breathlessness in my words.

“Is this movie making you uncomfortable?” Oh my God, he’s freaking messing with me.

I shake my head, not giving him the satisfaction of admitting the thoughts that are taking over my girly parts.

“Have you ever done anything like this?” He nods toward the still-frozen screen.

“I haven’t done anything.”

He looks at me with his mouth gaping open.

“Anything?” he clarifies.

“Well…there was this one time when my ex felt me up over my clothes. But I stopped him. It didn’t really do anything for me.” I bite down on my lip, hard, before I continue. “I’ve tried to pleasure myself in the past, just to see what it would feel like, and I’m pretty sure I did it, but it didn’t feel anything like I’ve read about in my books.” And then I felt guilty for doing it, because even though masturbation isn’t mentioned in the Bible as being a sin, my mom instilled it in me that any sexual acts not with your husband are.

“Fuck—” It’s the last thing Ethan says before he grips me by my hips and pulls me into his lap so I’m straddling him. His hardness grinds against my core as he pushes my dress up to my waist. Then he gently grips the back of my neck and pulls my mouth to his for an earth-shattering kiss.


“… it didn’t feel anything like I’ve read about in my books.” Nevaeh’s admission spurs me on as I grab hold of her curvy hips and push her down onto my rock-hard dick. She wriggles her hot cunt against my pelvis as she moans into my mouth. Since I can’t fuck her, I fuck her mouth. She tastes sweet, like the root beer she was drinking. Her fingers dig into my scalp as she rocks her hips against me, trying to find her own release. She knows she wants to get off, but she doesn’t know what she’s doing, how to find that special spot that will have her screaming in pleasure.

Because she’s so damn innocent. Too damn innocent.

A fucking virgin.

Those thoughts should have me pulling the brakes, taking a step back.

But I’m a selfish bastard, and the only thing I can think about is making her come right here and now. Being the man to bring her to her first real orgasm. I want to watch her face as she comes completely undone. Feel her tremble under my touch.

“Ethan,” she whines, becoming frustrated that she can’t do it on her own.

“I got you, Angel,” I growl against her plump, perfect lips.

Gripping her hips, I stop her in place. She struggles at first. She’s turned on, horny as hell, with no clue how to find her release.

“Angel,” I repeat.

She takes a deep, frustrated breath, but she stops her movements.

Once she’s completely still, I take over. With her panties still on, I slowly rock her hips forward and backward, creating friction using the thickness of my shaft.

My mouth leaves hers, and my lips go straight to her neck, sucking on the soft skin above her pulse point. Nevaeh moans in response, her grip on the roots of my hair tightening.

“That’s it, baby. Feel what I’m doing,” I purr into her ear. I nip at her earlobe and she shivers, making me smile. She’s so damn responsive.

“I-I feel…” She’s trying to explain what she’s feeling, but she doesn’t know how.

I continue rubbing her cunt against my hardness. I don’t have to see it to know she’s dripping wet. Her juices are soaking through my sweats. I consider myself experienced. I’ve slept with my share of women over the years. With and without a condom, I have no problem lasting. But right now, as Nevaeh’s legs clench around my thighs and her head falls back as she screams my name, I’m brought back to my teenage days. I try with everything in me to hold back, but when her climax hits its peak and she comes all over me, her wetness coating my dick through my clothing, my body acts of its own accord. My fingers dig into her flesh, and I come at the same time Nevaeh does.


