Big Duke Energy Read Online Emma Hart

Categories Genre: Funny, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 131
Estimated words: 130255 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 651(@200wpm)___ 521(@250wpm)___ 434(@300wpm)

“I know, but I do feel bad. I’m not sure a do-over is wise, though.”

“You might be right. Especially in public. I’m not sure we can get along long enough for that. Did you get enough book content, though?”

I tried not to laugh. “I did. Although I didn’t use our exact conversation, it’s always nice to have something that brings in a good grovelling scene. Readers like to see a man on his knees.”

“Are you hinting that you’d like me to grovel?”

“Goodness, no.” I shook my head. “Best not to tempt fate with another argument. Besides, if you got on your knees right now, I’d be tempted to use your head as a football.”

A little, “merow,” sounded from behind me, and Winston darted out of the door between my legs.

“Winston!” I shouted as he zoomed past Max and through a shrub towards the lake. “Get back here!”

I opened the door fully and moved forwards, stubbing my toe on the doorframe as I did. My balance evaded me entirely as my left foot hit the top step and I fell right against Max.

He caught me, staggering back, but he kept his balance a damn sight better than I did. His arms wrapped around my body, pressing me right against him, and I had no choice but to grip onto him for my own good.

One hand on his shoulder.

The other gripping a very firm bicep.

My face smooshed into his muscular chest.


This was…

This was something.

Quite unwelcome, actually. I didn’t really want to be pressed right up against Max. Not like this. With a throbbing toe and a serious lack of my own dignity because I’d just thrown it out with that trip over the frame.

On the other hand, being right against his body with his arms wrapped around me wasn’t the worst thing in the world, either.

“Um,” I whispered, wincing when I put my right foot down. “Thank you.”

He laughed quietly, his whole body shaking. “Right place, right time. Are you all right? You hit your toe pretty hard.”

“I think I just stubbed it.” I twisted in his arms, letting my hand slide down off his shoulder, and looked down at my foot. “I hope I just stubbed it.”

“You’ll know in about ten minutes.”

“Stop laughing at me.”

“I’m not laughing at you.”

“You are!” I smacked my hand against his chest—ooft, that chest—and tried to wriggle out of his grip.

“I’ll help you inside.” Max was still chuckling as he moved, keeping one of his arms wrapped around my waist.

This wasn’t my finest moment.

The stubbed toe or the rapid beating of my heart.

“Living room?”

I nodded.

He helped me hobble in and after we got to the sofa, he switched sides so I could sit down. “Put your foot on the table. If you have broken it, you’ll need it raised. Got any ice?”

“In the freezer. I think there’s a bag of peas in there that I bought with good intentions.”

“Ah, freezers. Where vegetables go to die.”

“And that’s just the lucky ones.”

Shaking his head, he disappeared into the kitchen.

My cat was going to die, never mind vegetables.

I was going to kill the little shit.

“Aren’t you mad Winston escaped?” I asked when Max reappeared.

“I’m not going to lie, Ellie.” He gently put the peas on my foot, making sure my toes were covered, and peered over at me. “I was surprised he was still inside.”

“I put his flea drops on this morning. He’s not talking to me.”

“Ah, no arguments today?”

“I think he was all argued out when I was doing his drops. I usually recruit my brother to help me, but alas… Kev isn’t here.” I shifted. “Give me ten minutes and I’ll go and find him.”

Max waved his hand and perched on the arm of the sofa. “What’s the point? He’ll come back, won’t he? Or I’ll find him in the goat barn when I put them in tonight.”



Change of Heart

I made a face as I looked at him.

Who was this? And what had the aliens done with the grumpy old man Max I was used to?

“You’ve changed your tune,” I said, shocked.

“That cat is faster than a fucking Ferrari. No wonder you can’t keep him in.” He glanced towards the door. “It’s surprising, given his size.”

“He’s actually not overweight,” I muttered. “Believe it or not. He’s normal sized for a Maine Coon.”

“Christ, then what do the overweight ones look like? Bloody lions?”

I bobbed my head. “Pretty much. There are dogs on my street smaller than my cat. There’s a woman a few houses down with a chihuahua that’s scared of him.”

Max raised his eyebrows. “A chihuahua is scared of Winston? That’s pretty impressive. Aren’t they the most fearless little bastards in the dog world?”

“Yeah, but Winston is a little shit, so it’s about even.” I leant forwards and moved the peas. There was no bruising… yet. I was going to take that as a good sign. The last time I’d broken my toe was two years ago and it’d bruised almost immediately.


