Billionaire Rancher Heartbreaker Read online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Billionaire, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 40
Estimated words: 37636 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 188(@200wpm)___ 151(@250wpm)___ 125(@300wpm)

In the past ten years, it was only Guilia he had fucked, only Guilia he had allowed himself to have sexual thoughts of.

Until now.

One part of him was still in disbelief: how the fuck could something like this happen? The other part of him, however, only cared about watching Anah turn herself on. Even if it made him feel like a voyeur, he couldn't stop watching her body bloom into womanhood. Just couldn't fucking stop, and when he saw her gulp—-


It made Ethan think of something else she could swallow.


With what remaining control and self-discipline he was left to salvage, Ethan was finally able to wrench his gaze off her and whip around to forcibly put an end to the madness that had them both captive.

"You should go," Ethan managed to say stiffly. "Now."

Anah crashed back to Earth at Ethan's words, and her face flamed as she realized just how long she had been standing there, staring open-mouthed at his cock. Oh God, what he must be thinking of her now!

Her first thought was to simply turn around and leave just as he said, and she had already stumbled a step back when she suddenly found herself thinking rashly, Why? Why should she do what Ethan said when she had specifically come here make something like this happen?

After all, it was just like what Sarah had said. Love isn't always about waiting, the older girl had warned her lightly. There would always be a moment where you had to choose whether to take a risk or not—-

And for Anah, she would bet her life that moment was now.

Ethan sucked his breath sharply when instead of hearing Anah's retreating footsteps he sensed her coming towards him, and for one moment he was rigid with shock. Surely, he must be imagining things...

He whirled around, wanting to see for himself, and he did so just as Anah launched herself towards him.

A cry escaped Anah as she found herself crashing straight into Ethan's hard chest. She had only intended to hug him from behind, but instead she found every inch of her body plastered against his, his cock throbbing so violently that the layers of fabric between it and her womanhood might as well have been nonexistent.

Her pussy keenly felt every pulsing movement of Ethan's cock, and a delirious storm of sensations rocked her world. Her body began to sway, and Anah automatically reaching up to clutch at his shoulders for balance.

His cock was still pulsing so heavily against her folds, and her grip on his shoulders unconsciously tightened as she wondered dizzily if Ethan could feel just how wet she was. And hot. How was it possible that she felt so creamily moist and excruciatingly hot all at the same time?

Her gaze flew up to his, Anah wanting to ask what was happening. But when her lips parted, all she could say was his name. "Ethan..." She wasn't even aware of how feverish her voice sounded, wasn't conscious at all of how the heat consuming her had turned his name into a sensual plea that had Ethan's thoughts skidding straight to the gutter.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

The sexy note of begging in her voice had Ethan's brain exploding with the dirtiest thoughts imaginable. It was as if after a near-decade of only allowing himself to think of Guilia, his mind was suddenly driven with an irrepressible need to make up for lost time. Images that were once forbidden flashed before his eyes -

Anah's rosebud lips parting in a moan as her neck arched in invitation, and her dress slowly falling to reveal the pale curves of her breasts and the pink pouting tips of her breasts.

He could see it so damn clearly, the images so fucking vivid, that combined with the tangible sensation of Anah's soft, supple flesh molding against his nakedness and the way her voice ached with innocent need as she spoke his name—-

Appalled at the way lust was overriding his every sense of decency, Ethan managed to reclaim just enough of his sanity and grip her arms in a last-ditch effort to keep themselves from crossing the line.

Anah couldn't help shivering as hazel eyes glittered down at her. At first, she was terrified, thinking she would see rejection and anger in his gaze, but what she saw instead had her gasping—-

"You want me."

The shock in her voice nearly had Ethan groaning. If he needed any more proof of Anah's innocence, then that was it. His raging erection hadn't shrunk a single millimeter ever since he caught her gaping at his naked body, and she still didn't get how much he wanted her?

"You need to go," he gritted out.

Anah could only shake her head. Go? When he finally wanted her back? Never!

Ethan cursed under his breath. "You're obviously not thinking clearly..." And if this went on any longer, he would probably be the same.


