Blood & Bones – Trip Read online Jeanne St. James (Blood Fury MC #1)

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Blood Fury MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 96121 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 481(@200wpm)___ 384(@250wpm)___ 320(@300wpm)

She lifted her head and opened her eyes to see him focused on her lips. “Kiss me.”

His nostrils flared and a little growl escaped him as he captured her lips again. Their tongues clashed and her fingers gripped his face, encouraging him to kiss her harder, deeper. Somehow swallow her whole.

She needed to lose herself within him. Even if for a short while.

She shouldn’t want this.

She shouldn’t want this.

She shouldn’t want this.

But she did.

And she wasn’t going to tell him to stop. It wasn’t going to end with their kiss. It wasn’t going to end with him making her come with his hand.

A few seconds later, heat exploded from her center, radiating to every outer edge of her body, pulling not only a groan from her but one from him as she convulsed around his fingers.

Their breathing was ragged but he didn’t let her mouth go, even when he pulled his hand free from her leggings and hooked her around the back of her thighs, lifting her up.

She held on by wrapping her legs and arms around him and he moved to her bed. When his legs hit the mattress, he let them both topple. Her mouth only became free for a second, enough for her to gasp at the impact of his heavy body landing on hers. He took it again, his fingers digging into her hair, his lips moving, his tongue exploring, like he owned her mouth.

And at that moment, he did.

Where he learned to kiss like that, she had no idea, but it was driving her wild enough that she wouldn’t be surprised if she came again. Or maybe it was the thought that his hard cock—which was pressed into her thigh—would soon be inside her.

Either way, she was holding onto the edge by her fingernails. Fingernails she wanted to dig into his back when they both came.

That wouldn’t happen until he was undressed. He had way too many clothes on.

She twisted her head to break free. She was practically panting when she demanded, “Fuck me.”

That got him moving. He surged up, stripping himself of his cut and tossing it onto a nearby chair. Next, he pulled his T-shirt over his head and threw that onto the floor. His hands dropped to his belt and she followed their every movement as he unfastened it, popped open the button and unzipped his jeans.

He scrambled off the bed to his feet, his eyes not leaving hers. “Get naked.”

She wanted to watch him get undressed first.

He bent over, unlaced his boots and toed them both off, yanked off his socks and then shucked his jeans, leaving them right where they landed with a loud jangle from his belt buckle and chain wallet as they hit the floor.

She didn’t get to see him like this the other night. She had been facing away from him and he’d only dropped his jeans enough to fuck her.

Now she saw everything.

And he was fucking breathtaking.

His thick cock, which pointed right at her, in a nest of trimmed dark hair, and his even thicker thighs. He circled the root of his cock with his hand and began to stroke it, his dark gaze catching hers.

“You’re not naked,” he growled.

She wasn’t sure if she could do that, get naked while he watched. He had said she was too skinny, plus she wanted to put off that other conversation as long as possible. If it was up to her, she’d never have it. But she had a feeling it wouldn’t be up to her.

So, to avoid him from seeing her all at once from a distance, she said, “I want you to do it.” She’d prefer if it was dark when he did it, but the April early evening sun was still high in the sky and the curtains were so thin, they didn’t even darken the studio apartment when closed.

He climbed back onto the bed and walked up her body using his hands and knees, his erection swinging heavily as he did so.

She didn’t know where she wanted to look more. His cock, which had a thick string of precum hanging from the tip, making her want to lick it off, or his face. The intensity of his dark eyes and the predatory expression he wore...

It made heat swirl in her belly as well as goosebumps explode over her skin.

He looked as if he was hungry and she was his next meal.

“Wanna taste that wet pussy but it’s not gonna happen this time, baby. Next time, though. Promise. Will make you come a couple times with my mouth. Is that good?”

Was which part good? The next time part? Or the part where she’ll have at least two orgasms by him eating her out?

She guessed the first one was needed for the second one. And the first one was the problem. By having sex with him, she was dropping her guard enough to let him in, and she was afraid that would be all he needed to take over.


