Broken: A Dark Romance Read online Books Willow Winters

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66454 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 332(@200wpm)___ 266(@250wpm)___ 222(@300wpm)

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Master A?” Kade says.

The man laughs and his fingers brush my shoulder, moving the hair to my back. My eyes widen with fear and I stare straight into Kade’s eyes, but he’s not looking at me. He’s looking at the other man with a smile, as though everything is just fine.

My heart races faster when he turns to me and the smile falls. My body’s paralyzed.

“She’ll warm up soon enough,” Kade says to the man, although he’s still looking at me. The warmth on Kade's features still hasn’t returned.

“I’m sure you’ll do an excellent job with her,” the man replies as a woman wearing a short, simple black dress passes behind him. She's balancing a silver tray in her hand carrying several champagne flutes filled with the sparkling liquid.

The man moves in my periphery, and I instinctively look at him.

He reaches out to the woman’s tray and sets an empty glass on it. He’s in a suit like Kade’s but it’s dark grey with a perfectly folded, bright white handkerchief in his pocket. He flashes the woman a dazzling, bright smile and shakes his head as she turns and lowers the tray for him to take a new glass.

“No thank you, love,” he says with a boyish charm. The woman smiles and turns, leaving the man to look back at me. He has rich brown eyes and a classically handsome face that's freshly shaven.

“Say goodbye to Master A, Olivia,” Kade says with a hint of admonishment in his voice, bringing me back to reality.

I open my mouth, but my throat is so dry, I have to swallow and clear it before I can say anything. I look up at the gorgeous man, and I can barely breathe. “Goodbye, Master A,” I say in a rush as the words tumble from my mouth.

The man groans and pinches his forehead, looking at Kade as though I’ve just teased him. “You did that on purpose, you fucker.” He says the words with humor in his voice.

Kade chuckles low and says, “You're an easy target.”

Kade leans into me and asks loud enough for the man to hear, “Do you want him to be your Master?”

I quickly shake my head as fear grips my body.

Kade places a hand on my shoulder and rubs soothing circles on my body with his thumb. “Call him sir,” he says simply.

“Sir.” I’m quick to correct myself. I am not giving him permission to take me away from Kade. I have to actively resist the urge to cling to Kade.

“Say goodbye, correctly.”

I look at the man who has a sad smile on his face. “Goodbye, sir.”

“Goodbye, Olivia.” He smirks and raises his brows with his hands in his pockets as he says, “You may change your mind later.” He gives me a wink and looks back at Kade.

“Enjoy your night, Master K.”

Kade nods and replies, “And you as well.”

I expect Kade to start walking again, but he doesn’t. Instead his eyes are focused on me, and I’m forced to look up at him.

His eyes flash with power and lust. He takes a step forward, and I’d take a step back, but I feel caught in his gaze and the steps are behind me.

“He’d love to have you, Olivia. They all would.” His eyes travel my body with obvious appreciation. He licks his lips and then meets my gaze again. “You will call them sir, unless I tell you otherwise.” He wraps the leash around his hand once, and then grips my chin in the same hand. His thumb rests gently on my lips.

“You did well, angel.” With his words of approval he drops his hand, and tugs gently on the leash. I’m quick to follow, feeling as though I’ve passed some sort of test of his.

I don’t want tests though. My feet continue to move as he leads me through a hall. My bare feet patter against the floor, but I can barely hear it. Dozens of people are talking and moving about. It’s surreal. I try to breathe, but my body isn’t cooperating. Kade leads me through a large set of dark wooden doors with intricate carvings, and the atmosphere seems to shift from lighthearted to something more dangerous and thrilling.

A sick feeling overwhelms me, but when I look up, awe replaces the negative emotions threatening to take over.

The room is like a ballroom. It reminds me of Beauty and the Beast in some respects, with large chandeliers and an expansive empty space with marble floors that shine in the dim light. But it’s dark. So dark. There’s faint music, but it’s not the sweet classics they dance to in fairytales. The beats are low and dangerous. They’re meant to entrance you.

The walls of the room are painted a dark grey, and the large floor-to-ceiling windows are draped with thick, dark red curtains. There’s a large mahogany bar in between the two windows, and servers dressed in simple black pants with tight, white t-shirts. It takes a moment for my eyes to focus, but there are cages lining the back wall. They’re large with a few square feet inside, and each one is nearly eight feet tall. With the low lighting it’s almost hard to see the women dancing in the cages. The shimmer of their silver dresses catches my eye as they move in rhythm to the beat of the music.


