Broken: A Dark Romance Read online Books Willow Winters

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66454 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 332(@200wpm)___ 266(@250wpm)___ 222(@300wpm)

“There’s no support?” Kade asks with uncertainty. I look at Master A, and he has his forehead pinched and his jaw is clenched.

“Lydia will let us know how it feels,” Gabriel answers smoothly.

Master A sits back in his seat. “I’m sure it’ll only be for the red rooms.”

Gabriel nods his head. “And that’s why Lydia’s testing it out, and not my Talia.”

Gabriel walks to the rope after fastening the cuffs and slowly pulls. Lydia’s arms are pulled upward until she’s on her tiptoes. Her body sways, but being held up so high, she can’t balance herself with just her big toes. Gabriel lowers it slightly and waits for her to steady herself, then raises it higher again.

“How do you like it?” he asks her.

Master A cocks a brow as the small woman answers, “It would hurt after a while, but for a quick fuck, it’ll do the job.” Gabriel lets out a rough chuckle.

“We’ll have to get a few then.” He looks at his watch as a loud chime rings out. Talia stands and exits gracefully. She doesn’t wait for orders. The rules between her and Gabriel are much different than they are for everyone else.

“Fifteen minutes then?” Gabriel looks up at Lydia, who nods her head and answers simply, “Yes, sir.”

I don’t want to get in that thing. That’s all I can think about as Gabriel pushes against Lydia’s hip and she swings slightly. Her big toes slide across the rug as she lets out a squeak and then a laugh.

“It could be fun,” Gabriel says with a smile. The room feels light with laughter. It does look... interesting, but I have zero arm strength and that looks like it would tire me out quickly.

The laughter dies the second Talia returns to the room. Her head is down and her hands are clasped in front of her as she returns to her seat on the floor in front of Gabriel’s empty chair.

Vic follows her into the room and stands in the doorway.

Ice pricks down my skin as he looks at the woman dangling.

Lydia's smile slips, and she goes silent as Gabriel steadies her.

“Victor. I wasn’t expecting you so soon,” Gabriel says. I keep my eyes trained on the ground as Victor walks across the floor. His black boots thumping across the ground are the only sounds until he slumps in Gabriel’s seat. He spreads his legs wide and his boot hits Talia’s leg. She doesn’t move and simply allows it.

My eyes dart to Gabriel's. He's staring fixedly at his foot.

My breathing picks up and anxiety ignites within me. I can’t see all the men's faces, but the tension in the air is thick.

“What’s this?” Victor asks. His voice is low and rough. He gestures with his hand although he seems bored.

“A new toy we’re considering installing.” I watch as Victor stands and pushes the small woman. Lydia's silent as she swings and struggles to steady herself. Her hands wrap around the rope to support her weight since her toes are no longer touching the ground.

Vic huffs a laugh and then he walks closer to me.


“Victor.” Kade replies with the same temperament, cold and disinterested.

“Ricky wanted to know how you were handling the gift.” I can see past Victor's legs and Gabriel seems to be having a silent discussion with Talia. Gabriel looks back toward my direction, his eyes on Victor as he walks to a side table and opens a drawer. I watch as he lays a gun on the side table. My heart speeds up faster, but he leaves it there and continues to watch.

“Ricky could've called and asked himself.”

“I wanted to come and see for myself. She should be trained by now, shouldn’t she?”

“She is.” Kade rests his hand on my head and gently pets my hair, but it does nothing to calm me. “As you can see.”

“Fantastic. I’ve been ready to fuck this little bitch since we caught her.”

“You’ll have to get in line then, Victor,” Gabriel says from across the room. “I’ll call first dibs.” Gabriel’s trying to keep the mood light, but it doesn’t work.

“What the fuck does that mean?” Victor asks.

“She’s mine. That’s what the fuck it means. And I’m not willing to share her just yet.”

Victor clenches his fist like a petulant brat, but then seems to calm himself.

“How about you come with me to the meet in a few days?” Victor offers. “You can get rid of this one and get yourself some fresh stock?” It’s difficult to stay still as he talks about me as though I’m disposable. My heart clenches in my chest and I have to remind myself this is fake. I’ll be free soon. Very soon. I breathe in deep. I just need to stay calm.

“You can pass her to me then. Once you’ve had your fill.” Kade makes no move to respond as Victor stands and takes a few steps toward me with confidence. I keep my eyes on the ground, but my body trembles with the need to run.


