Broken: A Dark Romance Read online Books Willow Winters

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66454 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 332(@200wpm)___ 266(@250wpm)___ 222(@300wpm)

“I’m Detective Dowers, and this is my partner, Detective Brown.”

“Hi,” I manage to squeak out.

“We have a few questions for you,” the man standing asks. Detective Dowers' nearly bald head reflects the light hanging above the table. His eyes are a soft hazel, but they seem kind.

I nod my head again and pull out a seat, sitting across from the other officer. He’s younger, but he looks tired with bags under his eyes.

His voice is deeper, too. “Do you know this man?” He sets a picture down on the table and everyone else in the room takes a look.

My heart stops beating. It’s Kade. He’s staring back at me. His power is reaching me through his picture.

Life seems to drain from me. I look into the officer’s eyes, but I don’t answer.

After a moment, he speaks. “We have reason to believe that he abducted you on September 16th.”

“Is this the man?” my mother asks as she grips my shoulders and tries to look me in the eyes. But I don’t move, I don’t react. I feel trapped. I don’t know how they found out, but I’m not saying a word. I refuse to say anything against him.

I won’t do it.

“Miss?” Everyone’s eyes are on me as I lick my dry lips and shake my head no.

“He admitted to kidnapping you.”

My eyes flash to Detective Dowers. My heart races, and my blood heats.

“I need to ask you some questions. And you need to answer them truthfully.” I slowly move my eyes to Detective Brown as he speaks.

“Olivia. Are you okay?” my mother asks.

“Olivia, you don’t need to answer anything,” Cheryl’s quick to add. She looks up at the officers and says, “She has the right to a lawyer.”

“We have no intention of pressing charges against Olivia. She’s the victim here.”

“What happened?” my father asks. And Detective Dowers looks more than ready to divulge information.

I don’t speak as the two officers rattle off the last two months of my life as though it’s a series of crimes. They have names and dates. They mention rape and sex slavery. All the while, my parents cry. Even my father.

I sit there numb, listening to it as everyone around me breaks down into hysterics. It’s odd to hear what they think of it. Some facts I know could have only come from Kade.

He abandoned me, and then admitted to everything. I wish he’d told me. I would have never let him do it. I feel so betrayed by him. I'm sick to my stomach.

“We need you to answer these questions. And you’re going to have to testify.”

“What if she doesn’t want to face him?!” Cheryl cries out with horror. She hasn’t let go of my hand.

“I won’t do it.” I speak for the first time.

The officers stare at me for a long time.

“We’re going to need you to speak to our psychologist.” I shake my head. That’s not happening either. No fucking way.

“If you refuse,” Dowers looks at Brown and sighs as if he’s burdened to tell me, “we will subpoena you. And if you fail to follow through with your obligations, charges will be pressed.”

“How dare you!” my mother hisses across the table.

“Get out of my house.” My father’s voice booms through the room. My body shakes, and tears leak from the corner of my eyes.

“I’m very sorry for what’s happened to you, but we won’t allow you to compromise this case. We will prosecute you to the full extent of the law if you fail to cooperate.”

That threat has echoed in my head every night for the past two weeks.

Each appointment, every interview.

And now as I get ready to testify against the man I love.


“Miss Bell, I asked you a question.” The old man distracts me from my thoughts. He stares at me through his glasses, waiting for an answer that I don’t want to give him.

“I’ve told you everything.” I feel sick to my stomach. I’ve answered every question they’ve thrown at me with complete honesty. Because Kade told me to.

The second I sat down, I’d planned to plead the fifth and not give them anything against him. But my eyes caught Kade’s, and he mouthed to me to tell the truth. I’ve looked at him every time before answering. And every time he’s given me an approving small smile and a nod.

“You’ve told us about many things, but you have not answered a simple question.” The lawyer faces the jury and then looks back to me. “Did this man, Kade Barrow, or Kade Maddox as you knew him, did he or did he not take you against your will on the night of the 16th?” His voice is sharp. He takes his glasses off and purses his lips as he waits for me to answer.

“You don’t understand--” I keep trying to explain it to them, but they aren’t listening. Knowing now what he did… he saved me. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He did what he thought was best. And he kept me safe.


