Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

“Tea or coffee?” she asked.


She put the tea back and made their cups each with a few spoons of coffee.

“Milk, cream, and sugar?”

“Two sugars and cream.”

She nodded. She preferred her coffee with milk.

The kettle was taking a long time to boil, and with the cups ready and prepared, she didn’t see a reason to not confront the issue.

She spun around to look at him, and kind of held her breath as she waited. The last couple of weeks had been fun. Rosalie was now busy and she totally understood as her best friend was pregnant and spending a lot more time with Colt. They had canceled more time together, and that was more than fine with Petal. She missed her best friend, but spending time with Myth had been fun. She felt safe around him. He made her laugh, and for the most part, when she was in his company, she was able to forget about everything else.

“I guess you better tell me what you wanted to talk about,” she said.

Myth nodded and rubbed his hands together. He looked nervous, and she frowned as she watched him. He was the one who wanted to talk, and yet he was nervous. What did he have to say to her?

“I, uh, I like you, Petal, but I wanted to be clear about something … that this, you and me, is not going anywhere. If you think you’re dating me or we’re going to be a couple, that’s not the case.”

Considering everything he could have said to her, this had to be the last thing she even thought about.

At first, she didn’t know what to think and for a second, she looked at him, a little taken aback. She wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. Then, she smiled and couldn’t help but laugh. The very idea of the two of them together sounded so ludicrous and outrageous, it wasn’t even worth thinking about. She did not see Myth in a romantic way. Sure, he was an attractive guy, but she wasn’t attracted to him. The truth was, sadly, she was still getting over Dirty—her mystery man that she’d not even told her best friend about. It was hard to even think of anyone else. Myth was a friend. Plain and simple.

Covering her mouth with her hand, she burst out laughing and tried to contain herself.

“I don’t see what is funny,” Myth said, looking a little troubled. The furrow between his brow was so cute, and he looked scared to death.

She reached over and placed a hand on top of his. “Please don’t worry.”

Myth’s frown deepened.

Petal laughed and before she got a chance to say anything more, the kettle boiled. Picking it up, she moved toward the cups and poured each mug out, before adding cream and sugar to Myth’s. For hers, she merely added a splash of milk. She gave the mug a stir, and then moved back toward him. Handing him his mug of coffee, she blew over the surface of her own and took a tentative sip.

“Come on, let’s go and get a comfortable seat.” Without waiting for him to respond, she made her way through to the main living room and took a seat. Myth lowered next to her, and Petal smiled. She felt … comfortable.

“So, you don’t want us to be like boyfriend and girlfriend?” Petal asked, somewhat teasing.

Myth grinned. “Look, when you say it like that, I know it sounds bad.”

“It does sound a little bad. I mean, it’s not exactly great.” She smiled over at him. “Myth, I didn’t think the time we had spent together was anything but two friends getting to know one another. I know it’s strange because the truth is I barely know you, but I kind of like you, and it seems easier somehow. Does that make sense?”

“It does.”

“So, we’re agreed then. You and I are not romantically involved, nor will we ever be. You’re my friend.”

“That sounds good,” Myth said.

Petal smiled. “It does.”

They were silent as they sipped their drinks. Hers was still piping hot, but it felt good. It was a nice mug of coffee. She didn’t normally take a coffee before bed, but she liked this.

“Do you want to talk about you and Dirty?” Myth asked.

She suddenly turned toward Myth, completely taken aback. “What? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She still hadn’t told Rosalie about anything.

“Come on, Petal. I saw the way he looked at you today, and I also saw how you seemed to withdraw. Something has gone on between the two of you.”

Petal stared at her mug and frowned. “I, uh, I don’t know what to say.”

Myth shrugged. “You don’t have to say anything. I just thought as friends, we could share.”

“Do you have something you want to share?”

“I’m in love with a woman that doesn’t know I exist.”


