Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

Her hands moved around his waist, and he waited for Warden, who climbed on his bike, waited for Kim to get settled, and then they were back on the road.

They had been lucky today. Petal and Kim were alive. Fritz had worked quickly, but then, he didn’t have a choice. Time had been of the essence and everyone had been waiting for the news.

Now, it was time for payback. Fritz had been able to look through old security footage at the Satan’s Death Riders MC, as well as the church, and they were getting images of the members, along with names. It wouldn’t be long before they had all the names of the Evil Fuckers MC and could rid the world of them for good.

Riding behind Warden, they headed back to the clubhouse. Petal didn’t loosen her hold, not once, and he couldn’t help but love that. It wasn’t long before they made it to the clubhouse, but he continued riding, taking her back home to where she wanted to go. No one followed or stopped him.

Riding back to her place, he parked his bike and turned off the engine. Without a word, Petal got off the bike and then rushed to her house. He watched her go, seeing her movements be quite jerky, and he knew something was wrong.

Climbing off, he took his keys out of the ignition and followed her through that door, and he slammed it behind him.

Petal spun around to look at him, and he saw the tears in her eyes. They hadn’t fallen yet.

“Don’t ever … do that again.”

“Do what?”

“Put yourself in the firing line.”

“He was going to kill us anyway.”

“Then you should have come up with a better plan, rather than claiming to be Warden’s whore and guaranteeing you were going to get fucking shot.”

“I didn’t know what to do, and I was thinking about Rosalie and what she needed.”

“Rosalie needs her best friend.”

“You don’t get to tell me what to do. This is not your decision so stop being an asshole. None of this is your business.”

Dirty took a step toward her. “What happens to you, matters to me.”

She snorted. “Yeah, right? Is that guilt, is that it?”

“You don’t get it and you don’t want to get it. That’s fine, but just so you know, if anything happens to you, you’d be missed. There would be people who wouldn’t be able to think straight for knowing they had failed.”

“Oh, yeah, who?” she asked, moving to take a step toward him, then another.

Silence met her question and Dirty stared at her, knowing he could either lie or tell her the truth.

“Me,” Dirty said. “I would have failed. You were supposed to have fun. The girls’ night was supposed to help you, Kim, and Rosalie. A lot of bad shit had happened and that night wasn’t meant to end the way it did. And you trying to get yourself killed, I couldn’t live with that.”

“Stop it,” Petal said.

“No, you are needed, Petal,” he said, moving toward her.

She shook her head and he watched as the tear began to fall.

“You are wanted, Petal.”

“I said shut the fuck up.”

“And … you are loved.”

Dirty knew he was pushing and it might be too soon, and as Petal slapped him around the face, he accepted the burn. It wasn’t a hard slap, but it stung nonetheless.

She pulled back and put her hands to her mouth, and that was when he saw the tears truly fall. He knew she didn’t mean to hit him.

“You are loved,” Dirty said.

She shook her head.

“By Rosalie, by Kim, by the club, by Myth, even by Colt, and by me.”

She covered her face and began to sob. Dirty didn’t hesitate in pulling her into his arms, and he held her. The weeping shook her whole body and he refused to let her go.

“I’ve got you,” he said.

Petal didn’t hold him back, at least not at first, but then she slid her arms around him and held on tightly. He finally had her and he wasn’t going to let her go.

Dirty tightened his arms around her as she lost control.


With jeans and a shirt, Petal felt a little more herself than when she was wearing the black dress for girls’ night.

Dirty pulled into the Satan’s Death Riders MC parking lot, and as she climbed off the bike, she turned to him about to say something, and then her name was called.

She turned to see Rosalie had come out of the main clubhouse and was already rushing toward her. Petal stopped talking to Dirty and instead took off. She had made her friend wait long enough, and they pretty much crashed against each other, holding on tightly.

“Are you okay?” Rosalie asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m all good.”

Rosalie pulled away. “Someone hit you. You’ve got a bruise forming. Have you seen it?”


