Buried Dreams (Dream #3) Read Online Natasha Madison

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: Dream Series by Natasha Madison

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 91434 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 457(@200wpm)___ 366(@250wpm)___ 305(@300wpm)

Chapter Ten


I take a picture of the cupcakes on the stand and upload it on the Instagram page I created for my mother three years ago. A page she hasn’t kept up with since the last post, which was exactly three years ago. I’ve been taking over the social media since I’ve been in town, and it’s grown a ton. I even had one of the reels I created in the morning making the donuts go viral, and a couple of people have reached out and asked if we ship out.

I’ve even been on Pinterest at night while I’m in bed, coming up with different ideas to spruce up the place and bring the dreary to pop and sunshine. Maybe paint the walls a different color. Put some pictures up from over the years. Put up some little trinkets to make it feel more homey. Maybe put in a couple of tables by the window so they can grab a coffee or even a slice of cake.

I’m posting the picture when I hear the front door open, and then a child’s voice calls, “Daddy, they have cupcakes.” I smile at her animated voice as I walk out of the back and to the front.

I stop mid-step when I see Brock coming into the door, my eyes going to the little girl standing at the display counter. “Look, Daddy, they have my favorite.” She points at one of them, and all I can do is stare at her. My chest feels like an elephant has just stepped on me, crushing my breathing. I can’t help but stare at her, my eyes getting so dry as they burn to stay open, so I blink them furiously. “We can even get some for tomorrow,” she suggests happily, and the only thing I can think is she has to be the most beautiful little girl I’ve ever laid eyes on in my life. She looks exactly like Brock but with feminine features. She looks exactly like the daughter I always thought we would have.

“Hello,” I force out, hoping my voice doesn’t crack when I get to the counter.

“Hi,” she says, “is Ms. Maddie not here?”

I shake my head as the lump forms in my throat. “Not today.” I clear my throat in case it stops working. “What can I get you?” I don’t look up at Brock, not wanting him to see how this affects me. Even though I think I’ve put up a brave face, it would take one look into my eyes for him to see how much this is getting to me. And he doesn’t get that. He lost that right.

“I’m going to have a chocolate cupcake with the sprinkles,” she orders, jumping up and down and clapping her hands, “and Daddy likes the same thing.” I stop my head from turning to stare at him because he hates chocolate. He always picked vanilla over chocolate every single time.

“Coming right up.” I turn to walk to the back and only when I’m safely there do I let my head hang, and a single lone tear escapes and runs down my face. My hand shakes as I pull the white box off the shelf. Walking back in, I hear her say, “Ask her, Daddy.” I have no choice but to look at Brock. His eyes turn soft as he looks up at me, and then I can see the shift in them right before my eyes. “Ask her.”

“What can I help you with?” I ask him and then turn to look at his little girl.

“Ms. Maddie usually gives me a cookie while I wait,” she announces instead of waiting for Brock to say something, but all he does is put his hands on her shoulders.

I laugh and nod. “That sounds like my mom,” I reply, treating her just like I would any other little girl. But she’s not just any other little girl. Even my heart knows it. “What cookie do you usually get?”

“She usually has the special ones for me,” she shares, her eyes lighting up, “that she keeps in the back.”

“Is that so?” I lean my elbows on the counter. “And would you know where she keeps them?” I joke with her and all I want to do is look into her eyes that are very much like her father’s. The way they used to be. The ones I longed to look into. “She would only share it with special people.”

“I know, I know.” She holds up her hand. “Can I show you?” she asks, and I nod as she looks back at Brock. “Can I go, Daddy?”

“Yeah.” His voice is gruff and again I ignore looking at him. Instead, I watch the little girl walk behind the counter and come to my side.

“Lead the way.” I hold out my hand for her to walk in front of me and I follow her.


