Buried Dreams (Dream #3) Read Online Natasha Madison

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: Dream Series by Natasha Madison

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 91434 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 457(@200wpm)___ 366(@250wpm)___ 305(@300wpm)

I hang my head, shaking away the memory I’ve long since wanted to erase from my mind. Before I get back to work, I try to forget about the kiss that made me feel like I was alive again. The way I held the side of her neck like I used to all the time, the way it was just natural for me to do it. Like I was born to do it, but I had to remind myself that it wasn’t my place anymore.

I bury myself in my work, forcing myself not to look over at the bakery when I leave. When I get to work the next day, I’m opening the door and walking in when I see her walking down the street. Looking at my phone, I see she’s a bit earlier than normal, or maybe I’m here a bit later than normal since I spent the morning making sure everything was ready for Saige tonight.

I’m already working when the guys start coming in, mumbling hello before they start to work.

I’m about to walk into the office when the bells sound, and I turn around to see her walking into the front area. I turn to watch her, wondering if maybe she was mistaken in coming in here. “Can I help you?” I ask as she looks around, and I’m shocked she’s here.

“Yes or, I’m not sure,” she says before she looks back at me, and like yesterday, she’s wearing another pair of black leggings that mold her fucking body. “Do you have any trucks for sale?”

I shake my head. “I’m sorry, what? You want to buy a truck?”

“Or a van,” she corrects me. “Basically, I want to make a food truck.” I walk back into the area where she is standing but not so close I can smell her perfume. It’s enough my cock was hard all day long just thinking about the fucking kiss and smelling her on my hands. So much so I only washed them when I stepped into the shower. “Something that is basically gutted already, so it’s easier to add what I need to put in.” I look at her with confusion on my face. “The bakery is going to be shut down longer than we thought, so I would like to set up a mobile shop. Something I can serve coffee and cake out of.”

“I have a couple of old mail trucks that have been sitting in the back,” I mention, telling myself I’m not doing this for her. I’m doing this for Ms. Maddie. “If you want, we can take a walk in the back, and you can take a look at them.”

“Oh, yeah.” Her eyes light up, and she must forget for one moment that she hates me.

“Let me grab the keys to the gate,” I say, walking back to my office and snatching the keys off the hook on the wall. “Follow me.” I walk out of the shop and toward the side where the fenced-in area is. We have cars that have been abandoned over the years. We bought a couple of them at an auction for parts, and they just sat here. I unlock the gate and swing it open as she walks side by side with me to the back of the lot, where I have the white vans all lined up one next to each other. I spot a couple of the guys looking out of the open back garage doors, and they earn a glare from me. I’m hoping I’m telling them with my look to get back to fucking work.

Ryan and Tony stand side by side, watching with avid interest. “These are the trucks I have.” I point at the five of them. “You can go and check them out if you want.”

“Are they unlocked?” she asks, and I nod, turning and walking. More of the boys come out and stand with Tony and Ryan.

She walks up to the first one and slides open the door and steps in, then does the same with the four other ones. “The second one is the cleanest,” she mentions and slides her hands against each other to clean them off.

“If you want, Ryan can cut out the side of it and get some hinges on there so you can open her up,” I say. I know he has work he is going to have to double up on doing. Worst case, I can come in with Saige and help him. “Are you going to be driving it around like an ice cream truck or just leaving it parked?” I ask, trying to remember if they can actually run. They might have to be boosted to life, but other than that, I think they run.

“Haven’t really thought about that,” she admits, “but it might be easier to just park it in the parking lot of the bakery. Then I can still keep the customers and then even the construction workers.” She talks to me as if we are having a normal discussion as if we’re long-lost friends and not like we hate each other.


