#BURN Read Online Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 96922 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

He seemed to force a smile at that, but I could tell he was apprehensive, and I couldn’t figure out why. “I do worry about you, Jace.”

“It’s sweet that you worry, but I’m fine. And I’m tough. And I should look it.” I winked, trying to get him to lighten up, and I earned a laugh, which was good enough for me.

I wasn’t sure what or who had burned him. I could tell by his conversation about his mom that something about this whole industry weighed on him, but considering how long he’d been working in showbiz, I wouldn’t have thought he’d be this rattled on my account.

I’d survived a lot. Certainly, an endorsement deal wouldn’t be the thing to do me in.

“Yeah, you’re fine,” Dax said, shaking his head as though trying to shake his worry away.

A part of me was offended that he felt the need to worry about me, since I could take care of myself, but another part of me thought…it was kind of cute. Reminded me that Dax was a better guy than he cared to let on.

“On that note, I think you’re all set for tomorrow, and we can get this ball rolling and make you a star, Jace Kruse.” He grinned, though the trace of discomfort was still visible in his expression.

“Sounds good.” I pushed to my feet. “I’ll scram and get my beauty rest, and let you get busy.” I headed into the living room, where I threw off my towel and slid back into my clothes.

Dax escorted me to the door. He had his hand on my back as I stepped out of the room, and when I turned back to him, he offered a friendly smile.

“I’m glad you’re working with us, Jace. And not just because of the perks.”

“I’m glad I’m working with you guys too. Perks and all.”

Something about gazing into those bright hazel eyes and seeing that mouth of his reeled me right in again, and I planted another kiss on him, which was weird for me. I never would have done something like that with another lover. Not for any particular reason, but something about Dax was so goddamn irresistible. I just couldn’t get enough of touching the guy!

He kissed me back, his hand resting against my side, and I slid my hand around him, against the small of his back, pulling him to me, up against my body.

I heard a sound, and it took me a moment to realize the door had slammed shut behind him. But we just kept right on teasing and tasting with our lips and tongues.

Finally, Dax pulled away and muttered, “Ah, fuck!”

I opened my eyes and followed his gaze to a guy with chocolate-brown hair, all bright white teeth as he grinned ear to ear. He wore jeans and a nearly neon-pink button-down shirt with a navy-blue tie.

He glanced between us as Dax said, “Did you need something, Carter?”

“This is your assistant?” I reached out to shake his hand. “Nice to meet you, man.”

“The pleasure is all mine, I assure you.” He kept glancing between us as though he was ready to give Dax hell about being caught lip-locked with me in the hall in just a towel.

I pulled my hand away from Carter’s grip, since he seemed to have a difficult time parting with it.

Carter said, “We can all go right back in there, and you guys just tell me what you need me to do. Hahaha. Kidding. Unless you need that.”

“Carter,” Dax said sternly.

“Or if you just think that’d be hot.”


“Or if there’s something you wanted to try that requires more than two people. I’m very flexible, by the way. I do Pilates, yoga—”

“Carter!” Dax barked, the sound echoing through the hall.

“Oh, is that my name?” Carter asked, his gaze still fixed on mine. “Sorry. I forgot for a few moments there as I was looking into your eyes.”

I laughed. “Dax, I’ll see you tomorrow. —You’re a sweet kid, Carter.”

I started down the hall, figuring it’d be best to let them deal with the awkwardness of everything that had just transpired.

“I’m also an easy kid! Only twenty-four! Room 473.”

“Jesus, Carter,” Dax groaned, low enough that I figured he didn’t think I could hear him. “Have some self-respect.”

“Me? Ooh, look who’s talking.”

“He can probably hear you.”

I beamed and let out a satisfied sigh as I relished every goddamn moment we’d spent together that day.

Oh, Dax Munro. You intrigue the fuck out of me.



JACE: Rumor has it you’ll be back in town next week. When you gonna come see me?

Despite my attempt at keeping serious and professional, I submitted to the tug at the corners of my lips. All I could think about was Jace’s cheeky smile when Carter caught us outside my hotel room.

Jace knew perfectly well I’d be back in town the following week for his first photoshoot, scheduled three weeks after we’d signed his endorsement deal.


