#BURN Read Online Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 96922 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

I flipped on the light to my room, relieved I’d made the bed before I left, but needing to pick up some clothes off the floor. “Sorry about the mess.”

“Mess? This is your idea of a mess? Your bed is fucking made, are you kidding me?”

“Nance was always big on making the bed. Said it was a good habit to make you feel productive right from the get-go.”

He entered the room, and I closed the door behind him to ensure Mac didn’t manage to slip in at an inopportune moment.

I’d hardly turned back around before Dax came at me again, pushing me against the door, lips crushing down on mine. His hands found their way to my fly, and as he undid my belt, I pulled my shirt off over my head.

When he was finished unfastening my fly, he yanked my pants down past my ass, allowing them to fall down my legs. I kicked out of my shoes as I started on the collar of his button-down. He untucked it quickly, working to remove the goddamn inconvenience, which was pissing me off.

“You had to wear a button-down?” I asked.

“This is what I typically wear. Dress for success and all.”

“Yeah, but in this case, success is being naked in my bed.”

He didn’t laugh, seemingly too preoccupied with trying to get himself as undressed as I needed him to be. After getting my shoes off, I kicked off my jeans and boxers. Dax had only made it as far as getting his pants down his legs, but fuck if I cared. Kneeling, I scooped his legs out from under him and tossed him on my bed.

With one brow raised, he gazed at me, seemingly impressed with my bold move the way he apparently was with how I took to all this. I crawled onto the bed, helping him remove his pants and boxers and tossing them behind me.

“Now for what I’ve really got a taste for,” I said, stooping down and licking up his hard girth.

I hadn’t had enough time the last time we saw each other, but the lick brought back that delicious taste that was all Dax.

He stretched out across the bed, lying back as he ran his hand over his face and groaned.

I gripped his shaft and raised it, his cock pulsing in my grasp.

I hesitated.

I’d enjoyed the head and a little bit of the shaft in London, but it seemed like a lot to take the whole thing in my mouth. Was I really thinking about sucking a dick? Of course, for the past few weeks, all I’d been thinking about was how I’d wasted my chance the last time.

“Jace, it’s not a race,” Dax told me.

I glanced up to see him looking down at me. Maybe he could see my reluctance.

“Worst case is I suck at it.”

“No, best case is the sucking bit,” Dax teased, which eased me right up.

Opening my mouth, I slid the head in as I had the time before. I took it slow, and Dax set his hand on my head, his thumb stroking gently, like he wanted to offer me that assurance.

I didn’t know how to suck a dick, no, but I knew what I liked when I was getting head.

I eased my way into the experience, using my hand to jerk on Dax’s dick as I inched my mouth down farther and farther with each pump. Then I pulled my mouth off it and inspected Dax—his eyes closed, his mouth hanging open as he moaned.

“That okay?” I asked, still working my hand.

He glanced down, looking confused as hell. “Cocktease, get down there and keep doing what you were doing.”

I just needed to relax. He was clearly having a good time, and I was surprised how much I was enjoying having his girth in my mouth, so I went for it again, still easing my way into it, exploring the dynamic of finding my pace and relaxing into the strange but hot feeling of having Dax’s cock filling my mouth. When I started feeling ambitious, I let it touch the back of my throat.

“I love the feeling of you deep throating me,” he murmured, and I could hear the satisfaction in his tone.

I pulled his cock out and inhaled deeply.

Dax looked down at me again. “Were you holding your breath?”

“Um…” I blushed, and Dax smirked.

“Aww, that’s adorable. You can breathe through your nose, though.”

I guessed I was just so focused on sucking that I’d forgotten something as simple as to fucking breathe, but with him teasing me, I was more determined than ever to impress him with my newbie work. I went at it again, taking him back into my mouth, which shut him up real quick as he lay back and enjoyed himself.

A few moments later, I pulled it out of my mouth and pushed my face up against his crotch, taking a whiff of him before kissing and licking up his body, crawling up him as I licked and nipped at his flesh. As I reached his abs, I bit softly at one of the thick muscles near his navel.


