#BURN Read Online Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 96922 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

“Yes, you are,” I agreed, and then the conversation transitioned back to more usual subjects.

However, even as we got back to work, I was already searching on my phone to see how late the adult store on Peachtree Way was open. And once we finished working on Benny’s roof, I headed on over, perusing the selection and finding what seemed to be comparable to Dax’s size.

When I got home and unboxed the thing on the bed, Mac watched me from the corner. The way he was looking at me, it was like he knew how I was going to use it.

“What? I’m curious.” I eyed the thing again. “Damn, I can’t decide if this is the right size or if Dax’s cock has gotten way bigger in my head.” Although, I was pretty confident that was the right size, particularly by the way my hand fit around the girth.

I slipped my phone out of my pocket. Dax had texted me while I was on the roof with the guys, and I’d told him what I was up to. I noticed he’d texted again.

Carter and I have a premiere at Grauman’s at 8:30, and then hustling at some party later. Thinking of you.

Inspiration struck, and I messaged him back: Have fun. Thinking of you too. ;)

If only he knew.

I set my phone on my nightstand.

“Now this is the part that Shar-Peis gotta step out for,” I said as I set the dildo on the mattress and led Mac downstairs, and then I headed back into my bedroom.

I stripped down, grabbed some lube from the nightstand, and slathered it on the fake dick. I looked at the head of it.

Okay, maybe not taking it all right away, I thought, starting with just fingering my hole.

As I did, I chuckled. “What the fuck am I doing?” I asked out loud.

Never imagined I’d be lying in my bed, playing with my hole so that some guy could fuck me, but there I was, not only curious, but eager to experience that with Dax.

He was fun, playful…hot as sin. And just playing with myself like that reminded me how much fun we’d had in his hotel room, got me all worked up.

As I became more comfortable with two fingers, I decided it was time to start with the real challenge. I stared the thing down and took a breath. “Okay, fake dong. Let’s see how this is going to play out.”

I positioned the head between my cheeks, working its way in steadily, very slowly, and muttering, “Thank God I’m practicing,” as I realized how awkward it would have been to have to make sense of this on the fly with Dax Munro.

I slid it farther inside me, inching it in until I felt that familiar sensation Dax had roused against my prostate. “Ooh! Oh…”

How the fuck could something have felt this good inside my body and I’d never triggered it until Dax?

“Damn,” I said, still adjusting to the pressure, but also reveling in the pleasure radiating through me. My body quaked as my dick grew rock-hard. I grasped it in my left hand while moving the dildo back and forth with my right.

Hot fucking damn. I could get used to this.



Tuxedos and elegant designer gowns packed the room of the star-studded gala premiere. Elliott and I had been hired to wrangle up a few of the stars present for the occasion, so now we did what we did best, rubbing elbows and keeping up good relations. Our industry was all about image, which made showing my face on these sorts of occasions of the utmost importance.

Various parties schmoozed and sleazed their way around the place as I chatted with Emilio Kruger at CAA, who was saying, “Yes, you have to consider going back into TV.”

“Oh, no. Thank you, but that ship sailed a very long time ago.”

“I can find four, maybe five producers who would eagerly create a reality series around you and Hottie Firefighter.”

“I think I could chat with the same five producers, Emilio, but I appreciate the offer.”

I struggled to shake him off my tail, when I heard, “Oh, Dax!”

Carter wedged in between us. “Do you mind if I steal him, Emilio? Just for a minute.”

A minute at an event like that meant nothing, as there wasn’t likely to be much time for us to reencounter one another in the sea of attendees. Lucky for me.

“Oh, lookie, lookie,” Carter said as he snatched two glasses of champagne from a nearby waiter’s tray. He turned and handed me one. Always eager to be fashionable at whatever hot event we attended, he sported a tailored navy suit with a matching vest, a white hanky tucked in his breast pocket. “That’s three times I’ve saved you tonight. Don’t make me have to grab you a fourth.” He winked, knowing very well his job was to save our asses when Elliott or I got held up for too long.


