#BURN Read Online Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 96922 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

Dax licked his hand, reached around, and grabbed my shaft, and fuck, I was already feeling that pressure, but he knew just how to work it to put me on edge too.

“Looks like I won’t be the only one,” he continued.

“Ah, ah,” I cried out as my body convulsed and I was besieged by a network of nerves that overtook my movements and sent me into a series of spasms as he worked the cum right out of me. “Fuck, Dax.”

He pushed his face up against my neck, his lips beside my ear as he whispered, “God, that’s a hot load,” he said, his breath working up my nerves and his cock slamming against my hypersensitive prostate.

He grunted, and I could tell by the way his body stiffened like a fucking board against me, his grunt transforming into a moan that dragged out, that he was spewing into the condom inside me.

I worked my ass as best I could, like I’d seen in the porn videos I’d watched when I was trying to figure this stuff out.

“Holy fuck, Jace.”

Pride swelled within me as I knew I was owning that cock, milking it with my all.

Dax collapsed onto my back, and I bowed forward, allowing myself to catch my breath too.

He continued pumping my cock, and the stimulation was overwhelming. I snatched his hand. “Too sensitive.”

“Sorry,” he said. “Didn’t even realize I was still jerking.” He laughed against my back, and I could hear every bit of satisfaction in it.

“Pretty damn good for my first time, wasn’t I?” I asked, already knowing by his reactions throughout that I could totally own this bottoming thing.



“Holy hell.” I lay beside Jace, panting, shocked as fuck. “How did you know how to work your ass like that?” I couldn’t help but ask, considering he went from not knowing a goddamn thing about anal to rocking my world.

“Did you like that?” Jace rolled toward me, a smug grin on his face, as though he knew what he’d done.

“Did you mislead me about your experience with guys?”

“Fuck no, but I’ve been doing my homework. Asked some of my buddies about it, grabbed a fake dick from an adult store, and watched porn. Though that was kind of for homework and for pleasure. I’ve been missing out on this whole gay-porn thing. Not that I didn’t know it existed, but…”

“Well, you’re a quick study.” I was impressed, but also somewhat jealous that Jace could go from being totally clueless about having a dick in his ass to owning that like a champ. Although, I was starting to discover that the one thing that shouldn’t have surprised me was that Jace was always full of surprises.

“Speaking of studying,” he said, pinching at his right nipple, “the way you were playing with my nipples…damn, man.”

“Glad I could contribute something.” I rolled toward him, and his gaze drifted to my crotch.

“You contributed more than your share. You’re good at what you do. I give you props when you earn them, Dax.”

“You get all the props for that one,” I had to admit.

He beamed, obviously proud of himself, as he should have been. I leaned in and took another kiss. He rested his hand against my face, and we just enjoyed one another’s mouths, savoring the moment nearly as much as we had savored our fuck. When we pulled away, I caught my breath. My gaze shifted down to his hips as I thought about how good it felt being inside him.

“I hope you’re not planning on sharing that ass with anyone else anytime soon,” I said. “I feel a little possessive over it now that I’ve been in there.”

“Well, that was the deal.”

“I know. That was everything I could have wanted it to be and so much more. That’s kind of how all this is turning out for me.” I rested my hand on his arm. “I gotta admit, there’s this part of me that’s sort of worried about how this is all about to blow up, but something about doing it with you makes it easier.”

He set his hand on my hip and scooted closer until our bodies were pressed against one another again. “As much as I know I’m in over my head, it has definitely been easier knowing I got a pro here with me.”

“Well, get ready. It’s time for lights, camera—”

“—action,” Jace finished before stealing another kiss.

What we’d experienced up to that point had been a preview, nothing more. Neither of us could have known what was in store for him, and him less than either of us. But the glimpses he’d received had been beneficial and would help him during his initiation into his official fifteen minutes of fame.

* * *

During the next few weeks, the billboards went up and the commercial began playing online—via YouTube, social media, and various streaming services—before receiving a national broadcast. We had the sort of snowball effect most wannabe celebrities dreamed of. However, what most never understood was how quickly a snowball became an avalanche, and with Jace, as I’d expected, he blew up faster than the GEICO Gecko or Progressive’s Flo.


