Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 74940 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 375(@200wpm)___ 300(@250wpm)___ 250(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 74940 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 375(@200wpm)___ 300(@250wpm)___ 250(@300wpm)
I pick it up hastily and place it on the desk. “Who did she mean?” I demand, trying to keep my breathing calm and under control.
“She didn’t say.”
“Did she say anything else?” River asks.
“No. She fell back asleep.”
River rubs at the stubble on his jawline, his gaze focused on the wall.
He’s thinking, clearly, but about what?
“How well do you know Rachel?” I ask Ginger.
“Not well. But we hit it off after the hot tub last night, and we...”
“It’s all right,” I say. “Sienna saw the two of you go into her room last night holding hands.”
Silence for a moment.
River’s cheeks redden. Did he not know?
Fuck me and my big mouth.
“Right,” Ginger finally says. “Evangeline said... Well, when Rachel almost drowned, it made the decision easier.”
"What decision?" I ask. "And Evangeline said what?"
"The decision to leave the island," Ginger says.
It doesn't escape my notice that Ginger doesn't respond to my query about Evangeline.
River clears his throat. “So you and she...”
“Honestly, she and I aren’t anything, really. Not yet. But there’s an attraction and a spark.”
“Have you been in a relationship with a woman before?” River asks.
“I have,” Ginger says, “but Rachel hasn’t. That’s what she told me, anyway, before all this other shit went down. But now... I’m not sure what to think.”
“Why did you call me?” I finally ask. “Why not someone else?”
“It was either you or Ariel,” Ginger says. “Rachel mentioned right before we went snorkeling how much she liked the two of you, so I figured she couldn’t possibly mean either of you. I chose you because you’re older, more mature.”
“Why not Evangeline?” I ask. “She’s in charge here.”
“Rachel may have been talking about Evangeline for all I know. I’m sorry if this is a bother—”
“No, no,” I say. “That’s not at all what I mean. I’m glad you called me. I’m just trying to make sense of everything.”
“So am I,” she says. “Just watch your back, okay? I should go. I’m still at the hospital, and I want to check on Rachel.”
“Tell her we’re all concerned,” River says, his expression grave.
“I will when she wakes up again. Thanks for taking the call, Em. I’ll be in touch.”
I click the phone off and stare at River, who’s staring into space.
“You okay?” I ask.
“I have a bad feeling,” he says.
“About what?”
“About all of this.” He heads to the door. “I’ll see you safely back to your room, Emily, and then I have somewhere to be.”
I whisk past Emily and River on the way to the office on the third floor to take Leroy’s call. I have no idea what my ex wants, and honestly I don’t care...except he did say it was urgent, so I’m a bit freaked. I could have taken the call downstairs, but I figure I could use some privacy.
“Right there,” the staff member says, pointing to the landline. “It’s line two.”
“Thank you.”
He nods and leaves the room, closing the door behind him.
I draw in a breath. Four orgasms in a day should have me boneless and ready for anything, but I’m far from relaxed when I pick up the receiver and hold it to my ear. “Hello.”
“Sienna, thank God.”
Leroy’s rich, low voice still makes my flesh react. My nipples pebble against the metal mesh of my dress. Damn my body for betraying me.
“What is it, Leroy?”
“Your mother wouldn’t tell me where you are, but she gave me the number when I begged. I need you, See. Please.”
I hold back a scoff. I’m determined to be mature. “Do you? This isn’t something your new woman can handle?”
“We’re no longer together.”
My heart flips a little.
And I hate myself for it.
I am not still hung up on Leroy. Anyone who falls in love with a stripper and blows a four-year relationship is not someone I want.
“Yeah?” I say. “Well, neither are we. What’s so urgent that you had to interrupt my vacation?”
“It’s my mother,” he says. “She’s been in an accident, and it doesn’t look good.”
My heart falls.
Leroy may be a jackass, but I did—do—love his parents. “I’m so sorry. What happened?”
“A drunk driver hit her, and her airbag didn’t deploy.”
“Oh my God! What’s her prognosis?”
“She has facial lacerations, and she may lose her left eye. Multiple rib fractures with a punctured lung. There was damage to her liver and spleen, which they had to remove. They’re still watching her for internal bleeding. She’s out of surgery and conscious, but it’s touch and go. We’ve been told we should say our goodbyes.”
“Are you going to sue?” I ask, and then I berate myself. “I’m sorry. That was the lawyer in me. It’s the last thing you need to hear right now. What do you need?”
He clears his throat. “She wants to see you, Sienna. She... She wants us to get back together. It’s like her dying wish.”