Capture Me Read Online Helena Newbury

Categories Genre: Action, Alpha Male, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 116
Estimated words: 107096 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 535(@200wpm)___ 428(@250wpm)___ 357(@300wpm)

I hauled hard on her arm and she shot towards me and piled into my chest, her breasts soft against my pecs. She tried to punch me in the side of the head but I grabbed her other hand and held it in my fist, trapping her.

We glared at each other from six inches apart, chests heaving.

And then we lunged at each other and kissed.



It happened so fast. His lips were on mine, forcing them apart, crushing them under his. All of the lust I’d stoked with my teasing and taunting was unleashed, thrumming down through my body in earthquake waves that shook every thought from my mind. Chyort!

We broke apart and stood there panting, staring at each other. For the first time, I took in the scene around us. We’d destroyed the hotel ballroom. A table was flipped over and the huge wedding cake was now a firework splat of crumbs and icing eight feet long on the floor. We’d knocked over the pyramid of champagne flutes, too, covering half the floor in a glittering carpet of glass shards. I knew we’d done it in the fight, but it felt like it had been the kiss, that the magnitude of it had blown the room apart.

What just happened?!

I gulped and the cynical, hard part of me, the one that had kept me alive since Lev, took over. He kissed me! That’s what had happened. The big idiot had lunged forward and kissed me. It showed he was unable to control himself, which meant I could control him easily. I started to make new plans to escape…

But as fast as I shored up the ice walls around me, they crumbled and collapsed, melted by a heat inside. I knew the truth.

I’d lunged forward, too. And when we’d kissed, it had unleashed everything I’d been feeling, too. All my lust for the tanned, muscled hardness of him. All my empty, aching needs.

He’d felt it all. Now he was staring at me, panting and scowling. I knew my expression was exactly the same. We were teetering on the brink: start the fight again, or…?

My eyes flicked down over his body. The black combat gear was gone and he was in a plain white tee and dark jeans. That gorgeous, wide chest, like two whiskey barrels, stretched out the white cotton into two snowy mountains. I felt so small. A sound slipped out of me before I could stop it, a little sigh of longing.

And that sigh made him react. His hand tightened where it gripped mine. His eyes narrowed and the deep brown flared into molten amber. He growled low in his chest, the sound of an animal slipping its chain.

And suddenly, we were kissing again.

Our lips met and I could feel the control I’d been viciously gripping for so long slipping through my fingers. All my training, all my pain was screaming at me to cling on, but he used his grip on my hand to pull me towards him, my soft body draped down the length of his hard one and my control was going, going…

Gone. I gave a little mewl of need and tilted my head back further as he kissed down into me. Each press of his lips sent a ripple of pleasure all the way to my toes and it felt light and pink, a teenager being kissed by the boy she has a crush on. It bypassed all my layers of cynicism and ice and soaked straight to my secret, molten core. It felt so good, I wanted to cry.

He finally let go of my hands. I’m not his prisoner anymore.

Something tightened, deep in my chest.

Yes I am.

He used both hands to grab my waist and lifted me so that he could kiss me deeper. The heels of my boots left the floor and he pulled my body to his, so close I could feel each breath he took. He kissed me again and again, hotter and hungrier each time, and the light, pink pleasure began to go richer, darker, scarlet. I welcomed him in, wanting him to possess me, and that only made him kiss me harder.

We started to move and with him lifting and supporting me, it was like we were dance partners, blindly spiraling around the ballroom floor. I could hear his boots crunching through the broken glass and the sensation of being lifted, almost carried, my toes only just brushing the ground, made me go heady. It sunk in that my hands were free and I grabbed hold of him, wrapping my arms around him and exploring his shoulders and back, smoothing my palms over the delicious, hard warmth of him.

I was kissing him as hard, as hungrily, as he was kissing me. And with each kiss, I could feel all my rules and common sense evaporating. It was like I was inhaling him, drinking huge lungfuls of Colton, getting drunk on him…


