Total pages in book: 72
Estimated words: 65871 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 329(@200wpm)___ 263(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 65871 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 329(@200wpm)___ 263(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)
I sneak back out to the kitchen, where he remains in the chair that he makes look as though it was designed for a child. This man is just so very large. Again, I feel a tingle of excitement running through me at the sight of it.
“Yes, Anya?” He acknowledges me again.
“How am I going to go back to college? I dropped out.”
“Do not worry,” he says. “There will be a place for you.”
“But I lost my scholarship…”
“There will be a place for you,” he repeats.
“You really don’t need to do this for me,” I say. “I know it’s not what you want. I know you’d rather I came with you now. I know…”
“Let me tell you what I know,” he interrupts me. “I know you’re going to be tempted to roam again. You’re still unmated, and that will make you want to wander until you find the right cock for you. But, Anya, you have already found your mate. I am your alpha, and anybody who touches you will die, do you understand?”
“I don’t want anybody else to touch me,” I mutter under my breath. “I want you to…”
“I know what you want,” he says. “But once I take you, I won’t be able to leave you alone. I will be inside you day and night, and you will be working through the difficulties of your first shift. It will not be anything you can study through.”
His words make me tingle with excitement. I want to feel that all so badly, but I know he’s right. This isn’t the right time. I want to make my mother proud, and I want to actually get an education for myself too. Once I’m his, I’m not going to be doing anything other than getting fucked and having babies.
My cock is throbbing with the effects of having had Anya squirming semi-naked over my knee. Holding back my need to mate her is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, but I can be patient. It would be good for her to get her education, and even better for her to have the chance to grieve her mother. She is so young, and in such a delicate condition mentally speaking. I want to give her time to recover. Russia is no place for the weak.
I also want to give her the chance to prove that she wants what she wants. Her mother would have wanted her to have an education, to have choices that she never had. I am honoring Lilly’s memory by delaying my own gratification.
I am being a good man.
And I am avoiding taking the sweet, sweet virginity of a young woman half my age.
“Come on and get a drink with us, Anya!”
I’ve been in college for about three months, and my roommate, Annette, is trying to get me to come out again. I like her. She’s smart, she’s funny, and she’s cute. She’s got round glasses that are too big for her face, but everyone’s glasses are like that now. She looks innocent, but she really likes to drink, and more besides. Being around her feels like being part of the feral little pack I was part of out in the countryside. We’ve made friends with some of the other guys and girls in the dorms too.
I am trying very, very hard to stay out of trouble, but I’m still reeling from losing my mom. And, if I’m to be honest, I miss Alexei, too. He calls me every now and then, but I think he’s trying to give me my independence without checking in on me too closely. Every time I hear his voice, it’s like a unit of sexual sleeper cells come alive inside me. Drinking is a way to numb the feelings of both those problems, and I always feel a little better when I do it. I’m still not old enough to drink, but it’s not like that matters. Every freshman drinks—except the ones who don’t, but they don’t count.
“Okay, twist my arm,” I say.
We go out up behind the science block, where a herd of cows live in a paddock. I like cows. They’re peaceful creatures, blessed with natural curiosity. They amble over toward us and lick their noses the same way small kids pick theirs while I and a small crowd of kids from the dorms mix up a potluck in a bucket.
Wine, spirits, liqueurs, they all go in, topped with a bottle of lemonade. The concoction gets stirred with a big wooden spoon.
A pack of red Solo cups is passed around. We each get a good dose of what Annette calls our ‘special brew.’ She insists she’s a witch, and she probably is. She’s got big, wide green eyes that always hold an ethereal expression of intensity, and pin-straight black hair.