Claimed (The Courtside King #2) Read Online Kora Knight

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Kink, M-M Romance, Taboo Tags Authors: Series: The Courtside King Series by Kora Knight

Total pages in book: 120
Estimated words: 116254 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 581(@200wpm)___ 465(@250wpm)___ 388(@300wpm)

His touch disappeared, replaced by his mouth, his warm lips brushing Kai’s nape before trailing back down between his shoulder blades.

Kai shivered in drowsy bliss, his eyes still yet to open. “And you’d be right. It’s called a katana—an ancestral Samurai sword and a family heirloom.”

Breck paused, then murmured wryly, “Wow, so you’ve had badasses in your family tree for generations.”

Kai’s lips twitched. “It seems we have.”

But then the playfulness in Breck’s tone turned quietly thoughtful. “I’ve never seen a tattoo so fitting… A warrior with angel wings, casting his light out into the world.”

Kai’s smile ebbed, his eyes finally opening. Was that genuinely how Breck saw him? His heart thumped at the notion that Breck would view him as such. And didn’t that suddenly make him want to kiss Breck really bad.

But just as he readied to roll over and face him, Breck resumed with his drugging kisses back to Kai’s nape. He sighed. He knew bliss, found it frequently in meditation, but this felt more akin to how he imagined heaven.

Again, he was tempted to turn and kiss him—until Breck’s hand slid down and palmed his ass. Slowly, sensuously, his fingers caressed. Kai’s heart thumped faster, his body humming. He coveted Breck’s touch entirely too much to cut this experience short. Closing his eyes again, he allowed himself to relish the moment, a part of him still grappling to believe that Breck was actually there. Lying with him beneath the covers after sleeping in his bed.

Breck’s lips drew to a stop, his caresses pausing. “Speaking of families… I’m going to my parents’. When I leave here, I’m going to their house to spill the beans.”

Kai stilled, his eyes cracking open again. In truth, he’d been somewhat skeptical regarding how long it’d take Breck to tell the world. But more specifically, his family and friends. After all, he had a trip coming up. A fancy vacation with his tight-knit bros. He’d literally be holed up on an island with them twenty-four-seven. Would he really put himself in that position, stuck in such close quarters with his shamelessly immodest friends?

But Breck’s parents especially… Kai had gotten the impression that Breck’s dad wouldn’t be pleased with this kind of revelation. No doubt, in his eyes, it’d throw a wrench in all their hard-earned NBA aspirations.

What’s more, the Draft wasn’t even for another month or so. Surely, Breck would find a way to hold out as long as possible while still honoring his promise to go public before the event. Yet, here he was, gearing up to reveal everything to the two people on the planet whose opinion of him mattered the most.

The underlying meaning to that hit Kai square in the chest. Breck was ready to face all of the consequences. Had made a firm decision about what he wanted in life. Was willing to upend absolutely everything for a future with Kai.

Optimism overflowed his cup. His heart welled with emotion. “Wow,” he rasped. “Today? You sure you’re ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Breck sighed, easing back.

Kai rolled over and met his gaze. Trepidation stared back at him, but so did conviction. A combination that deeply moved him—and made him so fucking proud. “They’ll understand,” he smiled warmly. “They love you.”

Breck nodded, still lying on his side. “I know...” His lips quirked. “Just gotta do it in a way that doesn’t give my dad a heart attack.”

Kai grinned, his gaze dropping to Breck’s wry little smile. “Perhaps bring a defibrillator just in case.”

Breck laughed. “Right? That’s actually not a bad idea. I’ll tell Mom to resuscitate him after my ass is out the door.”

Kai smiled and affectionately palmed Breck’s cheek. “Hana wa sakuragi, hito wa bushi.”

Breck stilled and eyed him curiously. “You’ve said that before, but I can’t remember what it means.”

“As the cherry blossom is considered foremost among flowers,” he murmured, “so the warrior is foremost among men. You are a fighter, Breck, for things that matter to you most.” His thoughtful tone softened. “I’m honored to have you here… to hold in my bed.”

Breck blinked, and then Kai spotted it in his eyes, a glint of pure, genuine, unadulterated pride. He cleared his throat. Shrugged a little. “Yeah, well, you know, it took me a while to finally convince you.”

Kai cocked a brow and smiled. “Of what?”

“That, you know, I’m who you’ve been waiting for all your life.”

Ever the charmer. And one with so much practice.

Kai coughed a laugh and dropped his hand. “A while indeed. Who knew it’d take you so long to climb off your throne?”

Breck grinned, unphased by his playful jab, and closed the space between them for a lazy kiss. “Admit it. You think my throne is sexy.”

“Only when you’re sitting on it at an angle where I can see up your shorts.”

Breck laughed against his lips and kissed him deeper, his fingers tunneling leisurely into Kai’s tousled hair. “You. Creepy. Old. Man,” he mumbled. “Next, you’re gonna wanna tie me up and suspend me from the ceiling or some crazy shit.”


