Claiming Hannah – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 102
Estimated words: 93751 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 469(@200wpm)___ 375(@250wpm)___ 313(@300wpm)

Anthony nodded soberly. “It will be a challenge, Hannah, make no mistake. Though your program is modified, you will still be expected to obey, without hesitation, whatever is asked of you. As you’ve already discovered, failure to do so, even in this modified setting, will result in punishment. Are we clear on that?”

Hannah drew in a sharp breath, his words both thrilling and terrifying her. The thought of being punished again, especially if Lawrence was to be her disciplinarian, was motivation enough to obey everything required of her. And how hard could it be? Look how well she’d handled her virgin scene in the dungeon. She was a natural. Anthony had said so.

Lifting her chin, she replied resolutely, “Yes, Sir. Crystal clear.”

“Excellent.” Anthony closed the laptop and turned to face her. “Lucia will be your mentor during this process. She will see to it that you get where you need to be, when you need to be there. You can go to her with any and all questions and concerns.”

“That’s great,” Hannah said, eager to reconnect with her new friend. “Thank you, Sir.”

“She will also assist you with proper daily grooming,” he added.

“Grooming?” Hannah echoed, dismayed. “You mean shaving? Am I expected to shave my, um, private parts?”

“Your cunt,” Anthony said calmly without a trace of discomfiture. “No euphemisms necessary here. The short answer is no. As a temporary slave in a unique situation, you will not be required to shave.”

As Hannah blew a mental sigh of relief, he continued, “I would, however, strongly recommend it, as it is yet another way to ease yourself fully into the submissive mindset. From a purely practical standpoint, erotic torture and pleasure play are easier without pubic hair getting in the way. From a submissive point of view, it’s a symbolic offering—a statement that you are making yourself fully accessible to your Master, nothing hidden or held back.”

“Okay,” Hannah said noncommittally. She would talk it over with Lucia, but she was pretty darn sure the answer would still be no.

“Then there is the matter of a physical and blood work. Normally, Mistress Aubrey would conduct your physical as a prerequisite to joining the training program. Because of the limited nature of your contract, however, her particular, uh, ministrations”—he lifted his brows, his lips curving in a half smile, giving Hannah the idea Mistress Aubrey’s physical would have a lot in common with the medical porn fantasies she’d seen online—“won’t be necessary. However, since you may be involved in exchanges of bodily fluid, including possibly blood, we need to make sure you have a clean bill of health.”

Hannah tucked away the alarming remarks regarding the possible exchange of bodily fluids including blood away for later examination. “I actually just had my annual physical and blood work a few weeks ago,” she volunteered. “I can access it via a patient portal. I have no problem forwarding the results, if that works.”

“That works just fine,” Anthony agreed.

“Finally,” he continued, “all our slaves do basic household chores on a daily basis. Charlotte mentioned to me that you enjoy cooking and baking. I know Mason could use some help in the kitchen since he lost his sous chef. When you are not in training, you will serve as Mason’s assistant in whatever capacity suits him. Does that work for you?”

For the hundredth time since it happened, Hannah flashed back to her regrettable kitchen exit scene. Mason probably thought she was an idiot. “Is he, uh, okay with that?” she asked.

“Absolutely,” Anthony said. “He’s the one who suggested it.”

Chapter 13

Mason glanced out of the kitchen window that gave him a view of the veranda out back. Hannah was seated with Anthony at one of the tables. Her back was to him. Her dark, lustrous hair shone in the late morning sun.

If he hadn’t had the opportunity to scene with her on Friday night, he would have resisted the idea of bringing a wannabe onboard for training, modified or otherwise. To Mason’s way of thinking, only serious lifestylers prepared to submit fully to all aspects of The Enclave training program should be granted admittance.

But he couldn’t get that scene from Friday night out of his head. As tame as it had been, she’d gotten under his skin. It would actually be good to have her around so he could get over whatever it was he was feeling. It was no doubt a very temporary infatuation, one easily dispelled by proximity.

He’d been amused when she’d flounced out of his kitchen the day before. He sensed a strong will beneath her blushing indignation. Maybe he’d take her for a session or two and find out what she was really made of.

He glanced at his watch. Everything was ready for lunch, which would be served in a little over an hour. He had cleared his schedule for an introductory edge play session with their newest trainee, Lia.


