Claiming What’s Mine Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 120
Estimated words: 109976 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 550(@200wpm)___ 440(@250wpm)___ 367(@300wpm)

“Why? I’m not sick.”

“All the same we’re going tomorrow. You’ve thrown up how many times in the last few days? Maybe you caught a bug or something. No arguments.” She shrugged and got closer then lifted up with a yawn.

“I’m hungry.” I tapped her ass and crawled out of bed. “Get dressed, we’ll go to that little place around the corner you like.” I left her long enough to go tell the other two our plans but they were already gone.

I called over to the guesthouse of the villa where they were staying. “Dinner in an hour.” I told Dave who answered the phone.

“Be right there.” I hung up and went to take a quick shower, where she attacked me again. Horny fuck!

At dinner the three of us watched her polish off her steak and half of mine and I was beginning to think this pregnancy shit was bipolar. One minute she can’t eat and the next she’s like a starving pack of wolves. “Here, have some more.”

“I don’t know why I’m eating so much.” She says this while polishing off my potatoes and eyeing Kev’s seafood pasta. That ass held his plate up and out of the way making the rest of us laugh.

She had tiramisu for dessert and I’m not sure but I think she could’ve put away another dinner if prompted. She threw the whole thing up as soon as we got home.


In the morning we had our first real blowout. “I don’t see why I can’t wait until we get home to go to my doctor.” I ignored her since this was like the fifth time she’d said that shit and I was tired of coming up with excuses as to why we had to go now.

I got my first real look at her stubborn ass. If the situation wasn’t so serious I would’ve laughed my ass off at the way she flounced around the room giving me shit. In the middle of her ranting I realized how revealing it was that she felt comfortable enough to talk back to me and stand her ground. Too bad she wasn’t about to win this round.

I walked over in the middle of her naked rant and hugged her. “Just do it for me okay. Just to put my mind at ease.” She huffed and said okay and I didn’t bother to ask her what the hell she was in such a huff about.

“Hormones?” I took my life in my hands and teased her. She gut punched me and walked away to get dressed while I headed downstairs to wait. The other two were already in the kitchen having breakfast but all I had room for was coffee. It’s hard to have an appetite after watching your wife throw up until she dry heaves and not really knowing the reason why.

She came down not long after and her resting bitch face split into a wide smile when she saw her two ‘brothers’. We headed to the doctor’s office about fifteen minutes away and waited about fifteen minutes to be seen. I had to go in there with her since she didn’t speak a word of Italian.

They made her pee in a cup as well as drawing blood which the female doctor explained could detect pregnancy sooner than the urine test according to how far along she was, but would take longer for the results. I didn’t share that bit with Giselle though.

A little more than an hour later we got the results from the urine test. “What did she say?” She was nervous as hell digging her nails into my hand. I was in shock. It was one of those situations where you think you know how you’d react but then you don’t.

I was speechless, happy and scared out of my wits. I looked down at her tummy and the only way she knew what the doctor had said was the way I placed my hand over her tummy and the sheen of tears in my eyes.

“You…” I had to stop and clear my throat but the shit still came out sounding like the croak of a dying frog. “You’re pregnant.”

“Really?” She covered the hand I had on her stomach with hers and whispered the word in disbelief.

I wasn’t sure how she felt, she seemed just as shocked as I was, but the doctor came back into the room just then with some paperwork and gave me a rundown of what we needed with a directive to go to her private doctor once we got back home. I didn’t hear shit.

There was a buzzing in my ears and I think I came close to passing out while the stranger smiled at me and kept talking. I got to my feet when she was done and helped my wife out of the room.


