Claiming What’s Mine Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 120
Estimated words: 109976 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 550(@200wpm)___ 440(@250wpm)___ 367(@300wpm)

“Am I crushing you?” I didn’t have enough strength left to speak so I wrapped my arms and legs around him tighter in answer and shook my head weakly. He was heavy but I didn’t want him to move, not yet. The feel of him pressing me into the bed, his larger frame shielding me from the rest of the world, was the safest I’ve felt in forever.

I felt the loss when he finally pulled out of me minutes later and yelped when he smacked my hip. “Get a move on, we have a lot to do today.” First time I was hearing about it. But in keeping with my feeling of hopeful joy I didn’t even bother to ask what he had lined up for us to do. Whatever it was I was sure to like.

I barely spared a glance for my destroyed phone as he dragged me out of bed and led me to the bathroom where we showered amidst gales of laughter as I tried to evade his lecherous hands. “I thought you said we had to go…what is it?” I stopped at the intense look on his face.

He cupped my cheek with the most loving expression on his face and lowered his head to mine, stealing one more kiss. “Your laugh, I like it.” I looked shyly down at my feet, lost for words to say. We wordlessly went back to washing each other and I felt a little more of my angst drift away.

I didn’t even mind getting dressed in the same clothes from the day before though I stuck out like a sore thumb in the black formal dress this early in the morning. I should’ve known though that he wouldn’t miss a beat.

Our first stop was a boutique that opened way too early and was suspiciously empty of any other clientele. And from the way we were greeted by the woman who opened the door it was obvious that he’d called ahead.

“Miss, if you’ll come this way, I’ll be glad to help you choose…” She offered once we walked in. “That won’t be necessary I’ll choose for her.” I looked over my shoulder at him in surprise. I would never have expected the very manly Gavin Sorrento to be interested in picking out women’s clothes. But I have to admit to feeling more than a little bit pleased at this turn of events.

“Do you even know what I like?” I teased him as the other woman walked away. His knowing smirk made me grin and I laughed even harder when he told me to take a seat and stop distracting him while he browsed the shelves and racks.

I was more than a little surprised when he came back with his first choices. “How…?” They were all things I would’ve chosen for myself. “I know everything about you.” He leaned over to whisper cheekily in my ear before urging me towards the dressing room. It seems he even knew my size very well and by the time I came out of the dressing room he had more for me to try on.

We were there for a good couple of hours and he’d bought out half the store by the time we left. He kept looking at his watch every five minutes until I finally couldn’t take it any longer.

“Do you need to be somewhere else? If I’m keeping you…”

He took my hand after Dave relieved us of our parcels and walked me to the car. “Yes, the stylist should be coming to the house any minute and then we have to leave. We’re already pushing it. I did everything in a hurry not realizing how much we’d be pressed for time.”

“Stylist?” I looked over at him after he seated me and walked around to get into the car beside me. He brushed the hair from my forehead. “Yes, I found someone noteworthy to take care of your hair, you can find someone else when we return if you don’t like her work.”

“She’s going to do my hair at the house?”

“Yes, because we were preoccupied yesterday I didn’t get the chance to show you around, but there’s a full salon on the second floor.” Wow, talk about the ways of the wealthy.

That’s something I’d expected when I married into the prestigious Moore family, to be pampered this way. But Vance in all the years we were married had never treated me as well as Gavin had in just the last few hours alone.

Thinking of Vance took some of the shine off of my otherwise bright new day and I grew quiet, once again reminded of my life and the things that I still have yet to face.

“Hey! Whatever you’re thinking about drop it. I don’t want to see that look on your face again. Remember, only laughter and sunshine from now on. Leave all the worrying to me. Understood!”


