Coach Long Read Online K. Webster

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 33
Estimated words: 31730 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 159(@200wpm)___ 127(@250wpm)___ 106(@300wpm)

“Stop staring, creeper,” she gripes.

So fucking cute when she’s tired and hung over. My dick twitches at the memory of having her in the middle of that sex club last night. Once I found out what was going on upstairs, I knew I wanted to check it out with my girl. Of course, we barely scratched the surface. Apparently it’s like a kinky wonderland. Fetish rooms of every variety. All sorts of shit I’d wanted to try with River. I have a feeling we’ll be going back in the near future.

“If I make you breakfast, will you run with me?” I press a kiss to her perfect lips. “Hmmm?”

She squints at me. “If that will make you go away for twenty more minutes, then yes.”

I laugh and slide out of the bed. “I’m coming back for you in a little while. I won’t have your scrawny ass blowing me off. We’re going to go run off that hangover and then I’m going to fuck you in the shower afterwards. Got it, Emo?”

She waves me away. “Got it, Coach.”

I pull on some gray sweatpants but forgo a T-shirt. I’m just pulling out vegetables to make omelets when someone knocks on the door. I set the onion in my hand back down to answer the door. As soon as I open it, I wish I hadn’t.

“Hey, Everett.”

Julie’s face is splotchy, as if she’s been crying, and she looks guilty. Just like all those months ago when she confessed to her affair. I wait for the upset and rage to consume me but instead, it’s an annoying simmering inside my chest versus an inferno.

“Julie.” My tone is cold. “What can I do for you?”

“May I come in? It’s chilly out here.” Her gaze flits to my hardened chest and regret flashes in her eyes.

Against my better judgment, I let her past. Once inside, she pulls off her hoodie and rubs her stomach through her fitted T-shirt. “I’m pregnant.”

Ice chills me to the bone. “Say what now?”

“Oh,” she says quickly and waves her hand at me. “It’s Sean’s baby. Sorry. I should have started with that.”

Relief floods through me. Not that I don’t want to be a dad, but Julie and I ran our course. We failed. If I have a family one day, I want it to be with River.

“So you came to tell me you’re pregnant with the child molester’s baby. Awesome. Congratulations,” I grit out. “You must be so proud.”

She bites on her bottom lip and tears well in her eyes. At one time, I thought she was stunning. Now…she’s boring. She doesn’t have the pink and purple hair or funky Punky Brewster style my girl does. Julie is dull and nothing.

River is colorful.

And everything.

“Sean and I aren’t together. After what happened with those girls at the school, I left him. I was already pregnant though.” She sniffles. “This is the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through. My parents are destroyed.”

I feel a twinge of sympathy for her. Her parents are similar to River’s. Cold and snotty. “They love you though. They’ll help you through it.”

She hugs her hoodie to her chest. “He got a girl named Lacy pregnant too.”

I wince at the name. Olivia and River probably don’t even know this tidbit of information. “It’s called birth control, Jules. Condoms prevent that sort of thing.”

Her face flames bright red. “Actually, that’s what I came to talk to you about.”


“He and I always used condoms. But…after what he did before…I’m sure that’s how it happened.”

My patience is wearing thin. “Stop beating around the bush,” I utter in a low tone.

She swallows and she fidgets as if she’s nervous. “I should have told you sooner. I’d been wrapped up in everything with Sean and then what he did at the school. It wasn’t until I found out about Lacy that I realized you could be affected as well.”

“Julie, spit it the fuck out,” I seethe.

She bursts into tears. “I’m a horrible person! I deserve all of this!”

A harsh breath escapes me and put my hands on my hips before leveling her with a hard glare. “Explain.”

“I-I-I thought it was funny. We were drunk and you were visiting your mom for the night. He…he…” She sobs and swipes at her tears. “He poked holes in all the condoms in your drawer.”

Fury rises in my chest. “He fucking did what?”

“You and I weren’t having sex anymore and I was getting ready to leave you. Sean thought it would be funny if you knocked up the next girl you slept with,” she chokes out.

I’m pacing the living room, having a really fucking hard time not going off on this pregnant chick.

“But then, he must have done the same with the condoms he and I used. Maybe even the ones with him and Lacy. And who knows who else,” she chatters out through her tears. “I’m so sorry. I was embarrassed to mention it and now it’s probably too late.”


