Total pages in book: 26
Estimated words: 24418 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 122(@200wpm)___ 98(@250wpm)___ 81(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 24418 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 122(@200wpm)___ 98(@250wpm)___ 81(@300wpm)
“We also have confessions from several students that Parker paid them to carry out the bullying of Charlotte.” Vale produces those pages, but the Rusts don’t move an inch in their seats. “We have evidence of explicit text messages sent by Parker along with an unknown number that the sheriff was able to trace to an account that Parker set up.”
“I see,” Mr. Rust says, and although he’s quiet, it’s clear there’s an anger simmering below the surface of his façade.
“They are lying,” Parker whines loudly. “This is all made up.” When he doesn’t get a response from anyone, he turns his glare on me. “You fucked her!”
“That’s enough!” Callum shouts as I tamp down the rage that’s threatening to break.
My vision turns red, and I want nothing more than to climb across these people and choke him to death. But I don’t.
“We need to check your backpack,” the sheriff says to Parker.
“You can’t do that.” He looks to his parents. “Tell them they can’t do that.”
Mr. and Mrs. Rust exchange a look, but Vale is the one to speak. “You’re over eighteen and on school grounds. We have camera footage of you taking money from Coach Shay’s office.”
“But, but…” Parker can’t talk his way out of this one. Admitting that I gave it to him is an admission of extortion. Admitting to taking it makes him a thief.
The sheriff opens his bag, and inside is the manilla envelope. I knew the idiot would bring it to school.
“With the compounded evidence…” Vale begins, but Mr. Rust holds up his hand.
“We will be withdrawing him immediately,” he says and goes to stand. “No need for expulsion.”
“Mr. Rust, we aren’t expelling Parker.” At his bewildered look, Vale nods to the sheriff. “We’re pressing charges.”
As the sheriff reads Parker his rights, the kid begins to cry. His parents put up a protest, but it’s no use. The deputy is there to block them as their son is handcuffed and led out of the office.
A moment later, Callum thanks Vale for his time, and he and Charlotte exit the office as well. It’s all I can do not to watch her leave, but we’re almost home free.
“I’d like to submit my resignation,” I tell Principal Vale as I place the formal letter on his desk. “I’m recommending that Coach Bill remain as the interim until Mayson returns from this medical leave. Bill is more than qualified, and I know he will maintain the winning record.”
Vale gets to his feet. “I’m so sorry for what’s happened, but you don’t have to leave.”
I called Mayson and explained most of what happened. I left out a few details, like falling in love with Charlotte. Those talks can come later once Charlotte is no longer at Legend Prep. He understood that the mere hint of an accusation can ruin someone’s life, and my recommendation to have Bill take my place seemed a good solution for all.
“I’m not willing to stay and risk someone else trying to harm Charlotte.” I offer my hand, and when he takes it, I squeeze it a little too tightly and pull him closer. “But I’ll have my eyes on her at all times, and the second she has so much as a bad day, I’ll hold you personally responsible.”
Vale swallows hard as I release his hand and walk out of Legend Prep for good.
Months later…
“Come on, I know you can be quick.” Charlotte says as she pulls me into the storage room. “It’s the last day. What are they going to do?”
“If we get caught, this is your fault,” I say but follow her inside. “I still think this is a bad idea.”
“Please, Daddy?”
“Fuck.” She knows exactly what that does to me. I’m already hard as she turns around so I can unzip the Bucky costume.
“I just want to be able to say we did it once.”
I can’t see her face as she turns around, but I know she’s grinning. She’s still got on the beaver head of the costume, but otherwise she’s completely naked.
“And you’re sure you want me to fuck you with that thing on?”
She eases back onto the shelf behind her and props her leg up, opening her pussy. “I used to get so turned on during the games watching you in this. I might have fantasized about it a time or ten.”
“God, I love you and your horny pussy,” I say with a grin.
She guides me into her, and she’s already so wet I slide right in, thrusting deep.
“That’s it. Fuck me, Daddy.”
“What a good girl you are.” The shelves rattle as I thrust harder, but the door is locked. Besides, the crowd is so loud out there they won’t be able to hear anything.
It’s graduation day, and even though Charlotte hasn’t had to dress up as Bucky the Beaver for a while, she asked Bennett if she could do it today. I had no idea her plan was to sneak behind the stage so she could beg me to fuck her.