Committed (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 110492 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 552(@200wpm)___ 442(@250wpm)___ 368(@300wpm)

“I’m sure there is. Maybe try this door?” Vic walked over to a door she hadn’t seen on one of the rounded walls and pulled it open. Sure enough, there was some strange-looking alien plumbing as well as a giant shower stall enclosed in blue glass.

“Wow, look at the size of that drain,” Torri remarked, stepping into the stall, which had been made for someone twice Vic’s height, and looking down at the man-hole sized drain in the floor. No wonder the Gemmite toilet squirrel salesman had claimed his creature was just the right size to clean out a Gemmite drain. Its bushy brush really would have done a good job in pipes this size, though Torri still felt sorry for the creature. It certainly wasn’t a nice job to have.

“How do you reach the controls to turn on the water?” she asked Vic, who was also studying the giant-sized shower stall.

“I can reach it if I stretch,” he said, looking up at the bronze tap embedded in the shiny blue glass wall. “Er…but then I would have to be in here with you, while you showered,” he added.

“I don’t mind, if you don’t,” Torri murmured, feeling her cheeks get warm again.

Taking a shower together with the man she cared for was one of those romantic things she’d always wanted to do. But Chuck had claimed their shower wasn’t big enough for two and had never wanted to try it.

Well, that wouldn’t be a good excuse here, Torri thought, looking at the massive shower stall. This shower would probably fit ten.

“I would be delighted to shower with you, sweetheart,” Vic murmured, smiling at her.

“Well then…I guess we’d better get undressed,” Torri said rather breathlessly.

“I guess we should,” Vic growled. He had that hungry look in his deep blue eyes again and Torri wondered if he had ever seen a woman completely naked. She further wondered how she felt about letting him see her completely naked. Yes, he had seen her in her sheer nightgown the night before, but this was different. It was so bright in the enormous bathroom.

“Is there a way to dim the lights?” she asked Vic. “I think I’d be more comfortable showering together if it wasn’t quite so bright in here.”

The big Kindred searched around the alien bathroom and finally found a kind of knob high up on the wall—what would have been waist-height on a Gemmite. He turned it and the lights went from being a bright white to a sultry soft blue, which matched the walls of the shower stall.

“Oh, now I feel like I’m under water,” Torri remarked. “It’s nice though—I like it.”

She hunted around until she found an enormous stack of towels. When she unfolded one, it was as big as a blanket and made of some fluffy, soft material that felt a little like cotton balls mixed with silk.

Quickly, she shed her clothes, folding them neatly on top of her duffle bag, and then draped herself in one of the huge towels. It covered her completely which was fine with Torri—despite the fact that the room was clearly heated, it was rather chilly in the large bathroom.

When she turned towards the shower stall, she saw Vic was already standing in it, waiting for her. She sucked in her breath when she saw the big Kindred was completely naked.

Damn! I bet he doesn’t have an ounce of body fat anywhere on his entire body! whispered a little voice in her head.

Indeed, Vic without his clothes on was a sight well worth looking at. From his long, muscular legs to his chiseled abs, broad chest, and wide shoulders, he looked like a lonely woman’s wet dream come true.

Also, he was really, really well hung. Of course, Torri had touched and tasted him that morning, but seeing him standing there naked in the shower stall, waiting for her, she couldn’t help it when her eyes strayed to his massive shaft.

It’s probably a good thing you agreed not to make love tonight, whispered that same, snarky little voice. I don’t know how he’d fit that thing inside you!

As she walked towards him Torri tried not to look at the big Kindred’s endowment. Which was how Nana’s “spicy books,” as she always called her stack of Harlequin romances, had referred to that part of male anatomy.

She hoped Vic would like her body as much as she liked his, though she wasn’t sure if he would. She was, after all, quite a bit curvier than she’d been before her stay at St. Elizabeth’s and she hadn’t exactly been petite to start with.

Still, he had liked seeing her in her sheer nightgown the night before, she reminded herself. So maybe it was time to drop the towel and get it over with. That was what she told herself, anyway, but somehow the towel stayed firmly around her as she clutched it to her chest.


