Cruel Devotion – Ambw Mafia Romance Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 108768 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 544(@200wpm)___ 435(@250wpm)___ 363(@300wpm)

His remaining eye was a deep shade of hazel. He got between our benches and targeted me with that one eye. “It is time for your medicine.”

I frowned. “What’s that?”

Probably noticing the apprehension in my gaze, he offered a gentle smile. “We have gone through this dance before, Mountain Master. When I tell you what is in it, you usually do not want to drank it but we both know that you must.”

I sniffed the air. “It smells nasty.”

“That is the healing properties.”

Duck snorted on my other side.

Master Wu looked his way and glared. “Do not worry, Dōngfāng Hóng, you are next.”

Duck cleared his throat.

Master Wu placed the tray on a small wooden table beside us.

The mysterious black liquid continued to bubble.

Drawing a deep breath, I slowly sat up. “Seriously, what’s in there?”

Seemingly anticipating my reluctance, he crossed his arms over his chest. “Mountain Master Lei, your position comes with many duties, some pleasant, some not.”

I let out a long breath.

Wu pointed to the glass. “Consuming remedies prepared by the head healer is one of them.”

I gritted my teeth. “What is in there?”

“Your drinking the medicine ensures your well-being, and, by extension, the well-being of the entire mountain community.”

“Yet, you are not answering my question.”

Duck chuckled softly beside me. “Just drink it, Lei. It can’t be worse than that root brew with cobra venom that we had last winter.”

I shot him an annoyed glance but turned my attention back to Wu. “Can you at least tell me what’s in it? Perhaps knowing the ingredients will make it more. . .palatable.”

Wu contemplated for a moment, then began listing, “It contains fermented wild berries and water from the mountain spring—”

“That doesn’t smell like just berries and spring water. What else is in there?”

“Crushed cockroaches—”

“No. I’m not drinking it.” I shook my head. “What is wrong with you? Just give me a damn Tylenol and call it a day—”

“Tylenol doesn’t have the beneficial properties that cockroaches have—”

“I beg to differ—”

“Studies have found that cockroaches produce secretions with antibacterial properties that inhibit the growth of various bacteria—”

“I don’t care if they are the holy grail of immortality. I’m not drinking them.”

“We have already applied ground cockroaches to your wounds—”

“Good God.” I stared down at my bandages. “What is wrong with you all? I have asked over and over—”

“Also, their antioxidant activities will help combat oxidative stress in the body.”

“I am not drinking this.”

Duck cleared his throat. “I have a question.”

We turned to him.

Duck sat up and gestured at the glasses. “Is that the main reason why the liquid smells so bad? It can’t just be roaches in there. Right?”

I looked back at Wu. “Well? What else did your sick mind come up with?”

Wu smiled. “You will not appreciate the next ingredient.”

“Why not?”

“However, if you open your mind—”

“What the hell is in there?”

Duck left his bench and stood. “Yeah. What could be worse than cockroaches?”

Wu let out a long breath. “I believe the urine is what accounts for the overpowering smell.”

I blinked. “Did you say urine?”

“Drinking urine will detoxify the body and boost your immune system—”

“No!” Anger surged through me. “I have had enough of—”

“Lei, every time I attempt to give you your medicine, we go through this—”

“Because you keep making unnecessarily insane concoctions—”

Master Wu leaned in and his voice was soft but stern. “Every ingredient has been carefully chosen for its healing properties.”

“Urine?” I gritted my teeth. “You are a sick man.”

Duck slowly walked over and stopped by my bench. “But who’s urine is in there?”

I stared back at him in horror. “Does it matter?”

“I guess.” Duck shrugged. “I mean. . .maybe. . .I would drink my urine, but other people’s urine...”

“When would they have had time to get your urine, Duck?” I directed my view back to Wu. “It’s probably his urine. Sick bastard.”

The head healer remained calm. “Lei, you are the Mountain Master and must always be in optimal health to lead.”

“Therefore, urine is the answer?” I leaned my head to the side. “Just tell Chen I drank it, and this will all be over—”

“I will not lie to Chen.”

“I am not drinking that—”

“The path to great health is sometimes bitter. Yet, it’s a small price for the strength and vitality a concoction like this would bestow.”

I looked down at the bubbling liquid. “I’m not drinking that.”

Wu checked his watch. “Well. . .let us see how long you want to remain in this tent.”

I sneered his way.

“Until then, I will return to my tent and finish the report on you and Dōngfāng Hóng’s battle today.” Wu headed off. “The East’s historian will want the record.”

I groaned.

Chuckling, Duck called after him, “Make sure you write that I was victorious and Lei begged for his life, in which I gave him mercy.”

Wu left the tent.

I gazed at the black bubbling liquid, its pungent aroma threatening to overpower my senses. My thoughts wandered, and I found myself caught in the battle of old philosophies and personal desires.


