Cruel Devotion – Ambw Mafia Romance Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 108768 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 544(@200wpm)___ 435(@250wpm)___ 363(@300wpm)

Oh shit. Banks, this is too much.

I was met with an overwhelming sea of green. More than a hundred men, dressed uniformly, stood waiting. Their postures were anything but relaxed. Clear aggression emanated from them. Leading their formation was Banks, my cousin, and his eyes immediately locked onto mine.

Even more, I knew that look, that mix of overprotectiveness and determination.

And Chen thinks I can break the promise? He’s crazy.

Against the might of Banks’s crew, Chen’s forty men looked considerably fewer. Still, they formed a formidable line at the entrance, silently communicating that they were ready for whatever came next.

Chen sighed. “I am going to need a very long vacation after this week.”

I gritted my teeth. “Me too.”

Chapter six

A Bomb You Can’t Diffuse


The atmosphere was so thick with tension, each step towards Banks was like wading through molasses.

Deliberate and heavy.

Chen went silent.

Alright. Give Banks a hug, say thank you, get the clothes, and all will be fine.

As we approached, Banks’s glare was fixed intently on Chen. His jaw was clenched. Every line of his body screamed hostility.

His green-clad men shifted uneasily behind him. Their hands twitched near their weapons as if waiting for a signal.

Banks had always been fiercely protective but this was something else.

This was territorial.


Chen, however, appeared like a study in complete professionalism—welcoming smile and gentle nod like he was heading toward a best friend.

When we got to Banks, I took the lead. “Hey, cuz.”

Banks directed his gaze to me. “How are you doing, Moni?”

“Good.” I gave him a huge hug, got on my toes, and whispered in his ear. “Please, be nice.”

Banks pulled away from the hug and his attention went back to Chen. “What’s he doing here?”

I stepped in between them, trying to diffuse the situation. “He’s just here to help me with picking up the clothes, Banks. That’s all.”

My cousin checked behind us. “And where’s Lei?”

I shrugged. “Busy training.”

“Naw.” Banks shook his head. “He’s not that busy.”

“He is.”

Banks glared at Chen. “Where’s Lei?”

Chen placed his hands in his pocket. “You require his presence?”

“Fuck yeah, I require it.”

I shifted my weight to my other foot. “Is that necessary, Banks?”

“We were supposed to have a conversation, Moni.”

“No one said anything about your talking to Lei. We just said that I would wear white and have your men.”

Banks grinned at Chen. “So, Lei doesn’t know I’m here?”

Chen remained quiet.

I cleared my throat. “Where are the clothes?”

“Are you rushing me, Moni?”

“Are you trying to start some shit?” I gestured to all of his men. “Why are they here?”

“Just in case shit popped off.”

“And why would shit pop off, Banks?” I crossed my arms in front of my chest. “I’m keeping your promise—”

“But Lei doesn’t know—”

“So that promise was to start shit with him?”

“It was to see how intense his feelings are for my cousin who has no business being around him.”

“We talked about this.”

“We did.”

“I said it would only be seven days and that I was just helping him.”

Banks kept his view on Chen. “And what do you think, Mr. Deputy Mountain Master? Will your cousin stand by that seven days or will he expect more time with my cousin? And does he only see Moni as a friend or is it more?”

Chen’s warm smile cracked a little. “I would never attempt to guess the moves and thoughts of my Mountain Master.”

“Yet, you’re scared to have him come down here? Didn’t even tell him about our being here.”

“I had no time. Your appearance was a surprise for me.”

I jumped in. “Chen didn’t know you were coming until you arrived. I was getting dressed.”

Banks snapped his view to me. “Getting dressed? You didn’t have clothes on? You were naked?”

“What? No.”

“Then, why did you have to put clothes on?”

“I w-was looking for better. . .umm. . .you know. . .to see you. Like I wanted to wear light blue.” I tapped my shirt. “Out of respect—”

“You wasn’t naked?”

“Why would I be naked, Banks? And stop talking to me like I’m a kid. If I were naked that wouldn’t be your business.”

“Then, why is your foot tapping like that?” Banks pointed to it. “You do that shit when you are lying.”

“Cuz, would you relax and give me the clothes and men?”

Banks walked around me and took a menacing step toward Chen. “I know Lei hasn’t been improperly touching my cousin. Right?”

“From what I understand, that is correct.” Chen nodded. “We are all friends here. There has been nothing but respect. Yet. . .”

Banks raised his brows. “Yet?”

Chen’s response was swift. “Your presence here, in such. . .overwhelming numbers, could be considered a provocation.”

A collective shuffle amongst the men in green told me that they were eager for things to escalate.

Banks smiled but his eyes were cold. “Consider it a show of strength. A clear reminder of what Moni has standing behind her. She isn’t just anybody.”


