Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 108768 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 544(@200wpm)___ 435(@250wpm)___ 363(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 108768 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 544(@200wpm)___ 435(@250wpm)___ 363(@300wpm)
Once Rick spotted the tent, he opened his mouth in shock and exchanged glances with the other men.
Next, he turned back to me. “We have only been in this camp for a few minutes. Perhaps we haven’t seen it all, but to me. . .that’s the biggest tent here.”
“I’m sure it’s the biggest one.”
“If that is the biggest, then what does Lei’s tent look like.”
I shifted my weight to the side. “That is Lei’s tent also.”
Rick widened his eyes. “Then, you both sleep in there together?”
Worry creased his face. “We are supposed to give Banks reports on your safety at the top of every hour. Which means that this sleeping situation will need to be reported back to Banks.”
I sighed. “Can we delay that report?”
“Hmm.” Rick checked Silent Sal. “Can we?”
Sal remained quiet yet put his hands in his pocket.
Rick frowned at Sal. “You sure?”
Sal made no move.
“Okay then. I got it, buddy.” Rick shrugged and looked at me. “Sal thinks that we can leave that information to the final report this evening. That should give you at least three hours. However, he believes that this information is unavoidable and Banks will not be happy. He would like you to consider separate sleeping quarters and also offers his help in that situation. We can get a green tent here or personally talk to Chen and demand another tent.”
I blinked. “That’s what you got from Sal not saying anything at all?”
“Sal and I have a special way we communicate.”
“I’m just saying. That was a whole lot from him just silently standing there.”
“Still, we cannot let you sleep in the same tent with Lei this evening.”
As if on cue, Flashy Freddie materialized on my right, effortlessly stealing the spotlight.
He whipped out a pair of sparkling green sunglasses from somewhere and slid them onto his face, even though the sun had long since set. “It appears that we stepped in just in time before things got out of hand.”
“I’ll call Banks and explain.” I held up one hand. “But for now. . .let’s keep this to ourselves.”
Freddie saluted. “Until then, we will surround the tent and guard it, while you shower. No one will come close without our say-so.”
I nodded, finding a strange sense of comfort in their over-the-top loyalty.
Then, to my surprise, Freddie leaned in closer, his grin broadening. “You know, Monique, why did the fruit basket go to the doctor?”
I blinked, taken aback by the abrupt change in conversation. “Why?”
“Because it wasn’t feeling grape!” He smirked.
Despite the situation, a genuine chuckle left me. “Al-right.”
“Oh, I’ve got a ton of those.” Freddie did a dramatic spin.
Sal shook his head and frowned.
Rick cleared his throat. “Eh, Freddie. Sal wants you to get back to being official.”
Freddie glanced at Sal. “Sorry, but can I say just one more joke?”
Sal didn’t speak or move.
“Thanks, Sal. I’ll make it quick.” Freddie gestured for us to walk. “Moni, why was the math book green with envy?”
I followed him. “I’m afraid to ask.”
“Because it had too many problems!” He laughed.
Once we made it to the large tent, I entered, and they remained outside.
The sound of Freddie’s laughter echoed in my ears.
I couldn’t help but smile. Despite the present colorful conflict, his jokes brought a much-needed lightness to the situation.
Okay. Time for a shower.
Chapter eight
Steamy Introspection
Completely naked, I went to the back of the space, moved the large tent’s flap, and entered the bathroom.
I scanned the space.
Okay then.
For a makeshift shower on a mountain, the details and thoughts that went into it were astounding.
To my left, there was a small carved wooden bench covered in plush blue towels.
On my right, a sleek metal frame held a peculiar-looking showerhead. The pipes leading up to it appeared to be more rugged and robust than I was accustomed to. It was most likely to withstand the mountain’s harsh conditions.
They twisted and turned in unusual configurations, like some kind of steampunk art piece.
I approached the shower area and my feet relished the sensation of the soft mat that lay beneath. It felt like stepping onto a cloud.
Taking a closer look at the showerhead, I noticed odd designs etched onto the surface. It was wider than the typical ones I’d seen, and it had multiple tiny holes, promising a rainy experience.
Alright. Let’s do this.
Turning the handle, water cascaded down, initially cool but gradually adjusting to a warm, comfortable temperature.
The sound it produced was more like a gentle waterfall than a regular shower, likely due to its unique design.
Only on Lei’s mountain could such a paradox exist. It was a small haven, a sanctuary of sorts, offering solace amidst the chaos outside.
And as the warm water caressed my body, I felt a deep sense of gratitude for this unexpected comfort.
The liquid’s soft moisture soothed my restless muscles and massaged away my aches.
Each droplet felt like a kiss from an angel, washing the doubts and fears away with soothing love.