Cruel Devotion – Ambw Mafia Romance Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 108768 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 544(@200wpm)___ 435(@250wpm)___ 363(@300wpm)

Still, I had no idea how long we remained speechless.

But it was Chen who finally broke the silence. “Monique, that is no small task, no mere title to be handed out without due consideration. It means. . .entrusting you with a lot of secrets and. . .power and the responsibility that comes with being part of our Inner Circle.”

“Okay.” She nodded. “So. . .tell me this.”

I studied her.

“Am I being ridiculous right now to think that I am currently in the Inner Circle?” She touched that sexy cleavage again. “Am I being egotistical or crazy to think that?”

“Well. . .” Chen exchanged glances with Hu and Duck. “No. . .you are not being crazy. There's a strong argument that you are currently in the Inner Circle.”

She gestured behind her. “I was sitting on a throne days ago, and your people were watching me to decide if they should eat or drink. Was that just for show? Or am I being trusted with power? Let me know, so I can better understand this.”

Duck looked at me. “She was sitting on the throne and everyone instantly considered her to be holding your place until you returned. No one even glanced my way.”

I pursed my lips.

Chen shifted his weight to his other foot. “She also convinced Lei to give back Chanel's body. A feat that none of us could do.”

Great. Now my Deputy is helping her case. Just perfect.

“And. . .” Duck sighed. “Lei has been committed to. . .keeping her around due to her keeping him calm.”

Monique pointed to him. “Is that not some form of power?”

I answered for him. “That's a lot of power.”

“Then, I think that there is a strong argument for my becoming a Friend of the Four Aces.”

I shook my head. “There's one thing you all have forgotten.”

“What?” She raised her eyebrows.

“You are already being considered for the position of Mountain Mistress which is on an entire other level and completely surpasses—”

“You are still in mourning over Chanel.”

My whole body stiffened.

“You wanted her to sit on that throne.” Monique looked at the cards as if she couldn't look at me. “So. . .I don't want to even be considered for that position until you're done mourning her, which could take years.”

Chen shrugged. “That is a good point.”

I sneered. “Shut up.”

Monique spoke, “But I do like the idea of Friend of the Four Aces—”

“We agreed that we would spend time together to. . .” I cleared my throat, hating that we were having this conversation in front of everyone. “We agreed to explore our. . .feelings for each other.”

“That takes time, Lei.” She gave me a sad smile. “And I'm fine with us exploring our feelings for each other, but I won't just be the Four Aces' Pet or the Mountain Master's Side Thing—”

“No one thinks you are those things.” My heart ached.

I moved an inch forward, wanting to hold her but knowing I couldn't. In a Council, the Mountain Master was to never touch the petitioner whether to harm or console them.

Due to that, it took everything in me to remain there. “You are one of the most important people on this mountaintop.”

“Then, prove it by treating me that way.” She placed the cards at her side. “And I want a title to solidify the respect not just from you, but those under you.”

She scowled at Chen. “That means no more lying to me and pretending to go along with stuff and then doing the opposite. With this title, it would be a clear violation.”

He stirred.

“Well. . .” Chen adjusted his glasses nervously. “We can't deny that in this short time Monique has proven herself to be loyal. Just in the case of the kidnapping, she had the right and power to start a war between Rowe Street Mob and us, but instead she attempted to create a compromise that would maintain peace.”

“And Lei fucked that up.” Duck muttered.

Monique scowled at him.

Duck looked away. “Sorry.”

Hu spoke, “She has earned my trust and this morning. . .this moment. . .she's really impressed me.”

“Thank you, Chen and Hu.” Monique smiled.

Duck remained silent for a moment before nodding as well. “I've seen Monique in action. She's got what it takes to stand with us, and I really like having her around. . .if she wants a more secure role with us then I won't stand in her way.”

“Thank you, Duck.” She widened that smile. “Then. . .we can vote.”

Chen held up his hand. “The Mountain Master must make his comment before the voting begins.”

Everyone looked at me.

I took a deep breath.

My mind raced through the possibilities and consequences of granting Monique's request.

A swirl of conflicting emotions spun in my chest.

The role would undoubtedly elevate her status, bringing with it power and responsibilities that I hadn't fully considered for her until now.

However, the thought of Monique assuming such a significant position within our organization sent a jolt of unease through me.


