Damaged (Boys of Winter #2) Read Online Sheridan Anne

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Dark, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Boys of Winter Series by Sheridan Anne

Total pages in book: 143
Estimated words: 131926 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 660(@200wpm)___ 528(@250wpm)___ 440(@300wpm)

He grabs my waist and hoists me up through the window and my feet silently come down in the empty dining room.

Just like the pillar at the front gate, he pulls himself up and drops in beside me as I scan the room to find something to stop the bleeding. “Here,” I murmur as I approach the table, tearing the runner off and hurrying back to Grayson’s side to wrap his elbow. “It’s not pretty, but it’ll do,” I tell him.

Grayson nods, and just like that, takes my hand and creeps toward the door. He peers outside of the room and confirming that the coast is clear, he steps out into the hallway and drags me along. “We need to find where he’s keeping this girl,” he murmurs, his voice so low that it’s nearly impossible to hear. “Try to find an entrance into a basement or a hidden room. I don’t know, he could have stashed her anywhere.”

I nod, keeping the gun held tightly in my hand as I scan the walls and doors for any clues or signs, though honestly, I have no idea what fucking signs to look for.

We hear voices around the corner and Grayson instantly throws us into a small room, our bodies so close that he’d be able to feel the rapid beat of my heart through his own chest. His eyes remain glued on mine. “Shhhhhh,” he whispers.

My hands shake as I hear the voice, and as if being thrown straight back into the past, I know that one of these guys is the one responsible for stripping me bare in Sam’s cell and dressing me up in that filthy lace lingerie. My jaw sets into a hard line and as if reading my mind, Grayson nods.

The voices come closer and we wait a beat, listening as their footsteps round the corner and head straight toward the cupboard we’re hiding in.

The men approach our hiding spot, and like lightning, Grayson flies out of the cupboard, the door smacking straight into the guy on the left, busting his lip as Grayson dives for the other. He grabs his head and gives a violent twist before the first guy even has a chance to yell.

Grayson is on him in mere seconds, and before I can step out of the cupboard, both the men are dead, lying on the floor, never knowing what hit them. I gape at Grayson. “What the fuck was that?” I ask. “Do you all know how to do this shit?”

He just nods and pulls me out of the way before shoving the bodies in the cupboard.

“Fuck me,” I breathe. “And all this time I’ve been trying to beat up Carver when he could have killed me with the flick of his fingers. A little warning would have been nice.”

“On day one we fucking warned you,” he grunts, shuffling the bodies around. “You just chose not to listen. Now, come on. We have a job to do and not a lot of time to do it.”

I shut up and let him pull me along, and it’s not long before we realize the whole house is covered with secret rooms, false walls, and creepy bullshit that no person in their right mind should have in their home.

We find King silently making his way through the house and Grayson stops. “Find anything?”

“Not yet,” he says, his eyes scanning up and down my body, checking that I’m still in one piece, and honestly, after being resuscitated just yesterday, I could really use a sit down and maybe a glass of water, but it’s going to have to wait. “Sam’s personal study is just down the hall from here. I went through it but couldn’t find anything. Cruz is better at paperwork though. He might be able to see something that I didn’t.”

Grayson nods. “Have you done what you needed to do?”



And just like that, we part ways and King continues down the hall, his gun securely in his hand.

We keep moving, but when we pass Sam’s personal study, I find myself reaching for his door. “No,” Grayson says. “King has already checked it. Leave the rest for Cruz. We’re not wasting time.”

I shake my head. “I just … no. I just have a feeling about something.”

Grayson sighs and looks back down the hallway before stepping into the study with me. “Make it quick.”

I nod and hurry around the room, scanning over everything as I go before coming to a stop at Sam’s desk. It’s huge and spans the length of the room with about ten drawers on either side.

I place my gun down on the table, and not giving a shit about keeping it clean, I start yanking out the drawers and tipping them on to the desk. The pens and stationery clatter out and I quickly dig through it before dumping the drawer and going for the next. “Could you be any fucking louder?” Grayson seethes.


