Dark Memory – Dark Carpathians Read Online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 153
Estimated words: 141492 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 707(@200wpm)___ 566(@250wpm)___ 472(@300wpm)

Petru was able to see into her mind. What she said made sense to her. She saw beyond the illusions and tricks of the demons Lilith had sent. These were mages long dead that Lilith now controlled. She didn’t trust anyone. She’d allowed Xavier, the master of mages, to rise to the surface, letting him believe they had an alliance, but she always maintained control of him. These four had never been close to Xavier’s talents, and she had lost patience with them and turned them into demons.

How did you know these things about them? Petru asked, sharing what she had learned with the others.

All but Aura and Nicu shook their heads.

Impossible to know, Benedek insisted. Petru, you can see and feel they are true mages.

Lojos gestured toward the restaurant. If we go in there believing mages are something else, we could be defeated easily.

I prefer you stay here, out of my way, Safia said. Her voice was very calm. Very matter of fact. My nephew is in there. They will do their best to use him as a bargaining chip. I can’t afford to be fighting you, mages you create and demons Lilith has sent. No doubt the moment the mages are strengthened, they will use the humans in that room to their advantage.

She is right, Nicu said. I have studied these demons. They are exactly as she says. Do not look with your eyes. See them with your other senses. You are seeing what you expect to see. When we get inside, they will act like mages, and that will only add to your belief if you are not one hundred percent convinced.

How can you tell, Nicu? Tomas asked. You and Petru are so certain, yet I cannot tell.

She connects with them, Petru answered for Nicu. Just as she did the sea demons, she finds the exact path into their mind and slips inside. I followed her in. Nicu did the same.

I did as well, Aura said. I’ve been doing it for many years, so it is easy for me.

Benedek frowned. I was being polite. Safia, you are Petru’s lifemate, and I would not enter your mind without an invitation, not unless your life was at risk.

Are you accusing me of being rude? Nicu didn’t sound in the least affronted.

Everyone knows you’re more animal than man, Benedek said.

That’s true, Nicu agreed. Which makes me far more intelligent, and you should have known the moment I agreed with Safia that I was right.

How many songs are sung about you? Petru asked.

Don’t get him started, Tomas said. You’re the demon slayer, Safia. Before Nicu is insufferable and starts howling like a wolf, tell us what you want us to do.

Aura must find Charif immediately and take him to the farm. She’ll need at least two of you to accompany her.

Safia looked at Petru. He knew she trusted him and wanted him to take her nephew home, but he wasn’t leaving his lifemate with four demons and ten human men who might turn on her at any moment if Lilith gained the upper hand.

No. My place is by your side. Petru was implacable. There was no arguing with him, and he meant for her to see that.

I will ensure the child and Aura reach the farm safely, Lojos volunteered.

I will as well, Tomas agreed.

Thank you. When Lilith sees the first demon fall and realizes I’ve taken control from her, she will attempt to strike at me through Charif.

We won’t fail, Aura assured her. Charif is my family as well.

For the first time, Petru felt a wave of relief slide through Safia as she met Aura’s eyes. The two women exchanged a long look, and then Safia put her hand over her heart and nodded. Aura did the same before they turned toward the building.

When we go in, will you be able to control every human right away, Petru?

Yes. He had already examined them.

Let them talk for a few minutes so I can examine the four demons up close. I need to know which of them is the strongest. While we’re in the building, Aura, Lojos and Tomas should be able to locate Charif.

It went without saying, once inside, they had to guard their energy carefully. If one demon detected them, all bets were off.

Petru lifted Safia into his arms. I’ll bring you in. We’ll slip under the door without detection. Each of us will enter through this doorway or the back entrance. Just relax and trust me to get you through. The others know what they’re doing, Safia. They’re experienced hunters. He wanted to assure her. She didn’t know his brethren and had never seen them in battle.

I trust your judgment, Petru, she assured readily, without hesitation. When Nicu connected with me, it was easy enough to catch glimpses of him, although I did my best not to intrude. They didn’t need to give me their word. I believe they will do as I asked them.


