Dark Memory – Dark Carpathians Read Online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 153
Estimated words: 141492 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 707(@200wpm)___ 566(@250wpm)___ 472(@300wpm)

Her heart leapt. He had taken the time to try to understand a little of her culture. That meant a lot to her.

“It’s important to note that I don’t do well when you boss me around,” she felt compelled to point out. “If we’re getting to know one another, I prefer to discuss anything important.”

His eyebrow went up. “It’s just as important to note I’m not good with arguments. When I say something, it’s for a reason, not just to hear myself talk. That’s where trust in your lifemate comes in.”

She rolled her eyes. “Perhaps taking the time for an explanation would be a good idea. I do have a brain and can understand anything you have to say.”

“There might not always be time to explain, Safia.”

She frowned and rubbed at her lower lip. “All right,” she conceded. “I can see that and will agree, but you’ll have to agree it goes both ways.”

“What does that mean?”

She was very careful not to show triumph that she’d trapped him. “I might not have time to explain to you what I’m doing, and you’ll have to take things on trust as well.”

“I can see that I’m going to have to work very hard to stay one step ahead of you in all negotiations.”

She laughed. She couldn’t help it. He hadn’t gotten upset when she’d turned the tables on him. “Is that what we’re doing? Negotiating?”

“It would seem so.” A hint of underlying humor edged his voice.

“I don’t want to sleep in the ground,” she blurted out. “I mean, I can do it, but I don’t like the idea. What if I wake up and you’re not there?” Her heart accelerated at the thought. “It would be the same as being buried alive.”

He didn’t just dismiss her fear as she worried he might. “That’s a normal reaction. I will teach you how to open the earth, and you can practice until you are certain you can do so by yourself. The only time you will need me to do it for you is the first time you rise, and I’ll be right by your side. The earth will already be open for you before I allow you to take your first breath.”

Safia liked the sound of that. She wanted to be independent. “What else will I need to learn?”

“Clothing yourself when you rise. You will decide what you want to wear, picture the detailed outfit, and as you emerge, you will be wearing the garments you decided on. When I say ‘detailed,’ I mean everything, from underwear, if you desire it, to shoes and jewelry.”

She couldn’t help liking the idea. That sounded amazing. She wasn’t a designer like Farah, but she could ask Farah to help her design some nice blouses and skirts. Layla’s wide belts were popular with tourists, and Safia particularly loved to wear them with her skirts. Often, Layla would make belts that could double as weapons. She would ask Layla to design a couple in great detail that Safia could duplicate when she was dressing as she emerged from the ground.

“I will also teach you to use the air. You’re extremely fast already, and being wholly Carpathian will increase your speed. Your hearing will be so acute it will hurt at first, but you’ll learn to turn down the volume. Your eyesight will be even better than it is now. Every gift you have will be enhanced. We’ll practice becoming as small as an insect or a bird or a cheetah, whatever you wish to be. You can be part of the fog.”

“You’ll teach me to fight the undead?” Safia kept her gaze steady on his. She stayed in his mind.

He didn’t flinch, but she knew the idea of her fighting vampires went against his protective nature. “Yes.” There was reluctance in his answer. “I reviewed the way you fought and destroyed your first vampire step by step several times. I considered the best ways for you to defeat the undead should you find yourself in a position to have to do battle with them.”

The fact that Petru had spent time thinking of ways for her to improve her skills in combat made her feel especially good. Her lifemate might be against her fighting vampires, but he was going to ensure she knew what she was doing.

“I really appreciate you,” she said sincerely. She couldn’t help looking at him with a little bit of hero worship. He had superior skills when it came to hunting and destroying the undead. She wanted to be just half as proficient as he was. A quarter. Enough to survive if she had no choice. She wasn’t going looking. Her expertise was in fighting demons, but she knew Lilith would send vampires after her, and she wanted to be ready.

“Fighting the undead is always a risk, even for an experienced hunter. A newly turned vampire can get lucky. I never want you to chance taking on the undead if there is any other option. When you told me Aura has fought them alone, the idea was very unsettling. All of us were disturbed by that revelation. The undead are cruel and will use any means to win. They will take the children and assault them in front of you in horrific ways. They turn living beings into flesh-eating puppets. You cannot conceive of the vile things they do. I do not want you exposed to them if there is any way I can prevent it.”


